Created by Silverdagger on 9/1/2023 in #support
Can't start the server with https enabled on Start
I have a certificate and I changed the vite.config.ts to use it by adding
server: { https: { key: './key.pem', cert: './certificate.pem' } },
server: { https: { key: './key.pem', cert: './certificate.pem' } },
to it but it only works for dev and not when I use build & start. How can I make it work for production as well?
1 replies
Created by Silverdagger on 9/1/2023 in #support
Any pattern to avoid getting ts angry when using route data fields?
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Created by Silverdagger on 8/31/2023 in #support
Missing Http method returns 200 status code on api route
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Created by Silverdagger on 8/29/2023 in #support
How can I populate HTML on the server with db data before sending it to the client
Hello - i am new to solidstart and today as I was attempting to port a nextjs app into solidstart I was confused as to how I am supposed to handle data fetching in a page route. I need to render a page for my users on the server. In my specific use case I need some session data in combination with a call to the database. I used the middleware to verify a user is logged in and store the sessiondata into the 'locals' variable which I can access inside routes - but i still haven't found out how to make my async db call to work. I am using the 'isServer' var to run the db call only on the server but The routes themselves are synchronous so I cannot use await there, and when I use createReousrce I get no result on my page. (I know i can use an API call from the client or a server action but that is not the functionality I need)
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