•Created by NomzHD on 8/18/2023 in #questions
Fabric Server Advice
Hey everyone, I'm working on my first Fabric/modded server and I'm having a challenge figuring some things out.
I've always done Spigot servers with plugins and such and I understand those systems really well, but I'm struggling with several key aspects of Fabric:
- What replaces Essentials/EssentialsX?
- Key plugins for me like Multiverse and Towny don't seem like they have any reliable mod alternatives?
- Is there even a way to do voting or voting rewards?
- Are there permission nodes for mod commands???
I'm just generally lost in the learning process. I think my history with Plugins/Spigot is unintentionally misleading me and making me approach problems the wrong way as well.
Any advice or comments is appreciated from those with more experience than me 🙂
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