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DTDrizzle Team
Created by Fuzbo on 5/26/2023 in #help
Many-to-Many Self Relation
I'm looking to migrate from Prisma, but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how a many-to-many self relation should be defined. The prisma schema I has previously was similar to:
model User {
id String @id
email String? @unique
followers User[] @relation("UserFollows")
following User[] @relation("UserFollows")
model User {
id String @id
email String? @unique
followers User[] @relation("UserFollows")
following User[] @relation("UserFollows")
Currently my schema looks like:
export const user = mysqlTable(
id: varchar("id", { length: 191 }).primaryKey().notNull(),
email: varchar("email", { length: 191 }),
({ email }) => ({ emailKey: uniqueIndex("User_email_key").on(email) }),

export const userRelations = relations(user, ({ one, many }) => ({
account: one(account, {
fields: [user.id],
references: [account.userId],
cosmetics: many(cosmeticToUser),
followers: many(userFollows),
following: many(userFollows),

export const userFollows = mysqlTable(
userId: varchar("A", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
followedBy: varchar("B", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
({ userId, followedBy }) => ({
pk: primaryKey(userId, followedBy),
abUnique: uniqueIndex("_UserFollows_AB_unique").on(userId, followedBy),
followedByIdx: index("_UserFollows_B_index").on(followedBy),

export const userFollowsRelations = relations(userFollows, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [userFollows.userId],
references: [user.id],
export const user = mysqlTable(
id: varchar("id", { length: 191 }).primaryKey().notNull(),
email: varchar("email", { length: 191 }),
({ email }) => ({ emailKey: uniqueIndex("User_email_key").on(email) }),

export const userRelations = relations(user, ({ one, many }) => ({
account: one(account, {
fields: [user.id],
references: [account.userId],
cosmetics: many(cosmeticToUser),
followers: many(userFollows),
following: many(userFollows),

export const userFollows = mysqlTable(
userId: varchar("A", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
followedBy: varchar("B", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
({ userId, followedBy }) => ({
pk: primaryKey(userId, followedBy),
abUnique: uniqueIndex("_UserFollows_AB_unique").on(userId, followedBy),
followedByIdx: index("_UserFollows_B_index").on(followedBy),

export const userFollowsRelations = relations(userFollows, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [userFollows.userId],
references: [user.id],
I'm just not quite sure how to construct the relations properly for the self-referencing with the many-to-many relation.
69 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Fuzbo on 4/14/2023 in #questions
tRPC but just the React Query abstraction?
I'm integrating with an existing Python backend, but I really like the way tRPC procedures are defined and used (with react query in particular). I could make fetch calls from the NextJS backend to the python backend, because the backends are on the same machine, but I would still prefer to have the browser show the direct API call instead of trying to debug in two separate interfaces. Not sure if that makes sense, but I'm happy to elaborate more if there are any questions 🙂
7 replies