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Created by Fuzbo on 5/26/2023 in #help
Many-to-Many Self Relation
I'm looking to migrate from Prisma, but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how a many-to-many self relation should be defined. The prisma schema I has previously was similar to:
model User {
id String @id
email String? @unique
followers User[] @relation("UserFollows")
following User[] @relation("UserFollows")
model User {
id String @id
email String? @unique
followers User[] @relation("UserFollows")
following User[] @relation("UserFollows")
Currently my schema looks like:
export const user = mysqlTable(
id: varchar("id", { length: 191 }).primaryKey().notNull(),
email: varchar("email", { length: 191 }),
({ email }) => ({ emailKey: uniqueIndex("User_email_key").on(email) }),

export const userRelations = relations(user, ({ one, many }) => ({
account: one(account, {
fields: [user.id],
references: [account.userId],
cosmetics: many(cosmeticToUser),
followers: many(userFollows),
following: many(userFollows),

export const userFollows = mysqlTable(
userId: varchar("A", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
followedBy: varchar("B", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
({ userId, followedBy }) => ({
pk: primaryKey(userId, followedBy),
abUnique: uniqueIndex("_UserFollows_AB_unique").on(userId, followedBy),
followedByIdx: index("_UserFollows_B_index").on(followedBy),

export const userFollowsRelations = relations(userFollows, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [userFollows.userId],
references: [user.id],
export const user = mysqlTable(
id: varchar("id", { length: 191 }).primaryKey().notNull(),
email: varchar("email", { length: 191 }),
({ email }) => ({ emailKey: uniqueIndex("User_email_key").on(email) }),

export const userRelations = relations(user, ({ one, many }) => ({
account: one(account, {
fields: [user.id],
references: [account.userId],
cosmetics: many(cosmeticToUser),
followers: many(userFollows),
following: many(userFollows),

export const userFollows = mysqlTable(
userId: varchar("A", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
followedBy: varchar("B", { length: 191 }).notNull(),
({ userId, followedBy }) => ({
pk: primaryKey(userId, followedBy),
abUnique: uniqueIndex("_UserFollows_AB_unique").on(userId, followedBy),
followedByIdx: index("_UserFollows_B_index").on(followedBy),

export const userFollowsRelations = relations(userFollows, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [userFollows.userId],
references: [user.id],
I'm just not quite sure how to construct the relations properly for the self-referencing with the many-to-many relation.
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