Uncle Bobby B
Uncle Bobby B
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by Uncle Bobby B on 10/17/2023 in #ask-a-question
need to retake ipc144
Like you can record with any other tutor probably I would just feel weird to ask lol
25 replies
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by Uncle Bobby B on 10/17/2023 in #ask-a-question
need to retake ipc144
I went to varsity tutors, it has great resources too but pretty expensive but I see my tutor twice a week and each session is recorded so i can look back which is mainly why I chose it but honestly probably not worth it for most people.
25 replies
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by Uncle Bobby B on 10/17/2023 in #ask-a-question
need to retake ipc144
Monica Sehrawat, if anybody with no programming experience is thinking about taking her please don’t, she’s a nightmare
25 replies
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by Uncle Bobby B on 10/17/2023 in #ask-a-question
need to retake ipc144
Thank you guys for the responses. Thing is I’m doing good in other classes but I’ve been having a really hard time understanding anything in ipc and learning basic code, a lot of it is my fault cause I don’t think I studied enough, I would complete the assignments and thats it, but even then I always needed help with every workshop after week 1. And I don’t like my teacher at all cause she just goes through the topics really fast and doesn’t elaborate and isn’t helpful. She’s rude and condescending and I honestly get scared to ask her for help. so I have to drop it and take it next semester but till then, I’m gonna start from basics and study everyday so I can prepare for it next semester and I see my tutor twice a week too. But idk hopefully I’ll be able to understand and pass next time
25 replies