Overriding paginateTableQuery doesn't work on Widgets
Sorry, let me explain:
My Widget extended "TableWidget", which has the following vendor code:
So using TableWidget the pagination is already set to simple. Which I should be able to overwrite but that didn't work for some reason. Now, since you can also use custom widgets which just extend "Widget" that don't set the pagination to simple, I implemented HasTables and HasForms myself and the cursor pagination appeared as expected.
I just don't understand why overwriting the paginateTableQuery method while extending TableWidget didn't do anything.
For your last response: just removing "paginateTableQuery" in my Widget would still cause the pagination to be simple, as it is set so in the TableWidget.
Did you understand that? 😅
8 replies
Overriding paginateTableQuery doesn't work on Widgets
Yes I see, but in that case the paginateTableQuery is set to simple when extending the TableWidget. Changing it to extend "Widget" solves the issue. But I still don't know why the overwrite didn't work, as it normally should.
8 replies
Sub Navigation in ListView for Custom Page
yes, Filament introduced "clusters" after this issue, which solves the problem by just using them instead of the RecordSubNavigation method.
4 replies
QueryBuilder Filter returns nothing
After some debugging, I figured out, that the query is using "id" to resolve the column of the relation, but my relation is actually using a different name for that:
How can I modify the query, so that it uses the correct column name?
It needs to be "billomat_id" in order to work.
4 replies