Sub Navigation in ListView for Custom Page
Hi, I want to display a sub navigation in the ListView for a custom page (which does not interact with any record).
I have a subnavigation for my records setup already in my CustomerResource:
But how can I display a sub navigation on the ListCustomers Page for a custom Page?
Thank you!
3 Replies
Curious if this was ever solved...
yes, Filament introduced "clusters" after this issue, which solves the problem by just using them instead of the RecordSubNavigation method.
Unfortunately that isn't the ideal situation in my case. I've used clusters some but I have a resource with several
pages. I was hoping to just add a single page to the sub nav or, even more ideal, add a cluster into it but it doesn't look like that can be done. I know that I could rework my existing resource to a cluster but that simply isn't worth the effort at this point