Crit Me
Character Concept; Masika Omar Hafez A.K.A Scarab
Scarab Sentinel
Passive – SandstriderPASSIVELY movement speed Scarab instead of being Slowed when standing in Scarab's own Slow.
Ability 1 – Locustswarm
Uses: 2 Uses |Cost: 200 |Duration: 5 s |Health: 50 HP |Damage: 25-50/s (Outer to Inner radius)
—Equip a Locust nest. FIRE to throw the nest that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering zone of swarming locusts that damages. ALT FIRE to place a covert nest. ACTIVATE the nest to release a damaging swarm of locusts.
Ability 2 – Sandstorm
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: 300 |Duration: 15 s |Cooldown: 8 s (after deactivation) |Debuff: Nearsight, 55% Slow
—EQUIP a sand beetle. FIRE to throw the beetle that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a large dust cloud that Nearsights and Slows players inside of it. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
Signature – Sand Trap
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: Free |Cooldown: 2 kill recharge, 20 s (Recalled)/45 s (Destroyed) |Health: 100 HP |Debuff: 55% Slow, 4 s Concuss
—EQUIP a Antlion that scans for enemies movement above. FIRE to throw the antlion. Upon landing, the Antlion goes underground. ALT FIRE to lob. After an enemy comes in range, the antlion destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that pulls and Slows players caught inside of it toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside concussed. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed trap.
Ultimate – name—Laser Ray from the sun similar to brim's ult but smaller radius, other differences (2 version, Primary straight-line/Secondary stationary)
78 replies
Character Concept; Agent XX Scarab
Scarab Sentinel
Passive – SandstriderPASSIVELY movement speed Scarab instead of being Slowed when standing in Scarab's own Slow.
Ability 1 – Locustswarm
Uses: 2 Uses |Cost: 200 |Duration: 5 s |Health: 50 HP |Damage: 25-50/s (Outer to Inner radius)
—Equip a Locust nest. FIRE to throw the nest that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering zone of swarming locusts that damages. ALT FIRE to place a covert nest. ACTIVATE the nest to release a damaging swarm of locusts.
Ability 2 – Sandstorm
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: 300 |Duration: 15 s |Cooldown: 8 s (after deactivation) |Debuff: Nearsight, 55% Slow
—EQUIP a sand beetle. FIRE to throw the beetle that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a large dust cloud that Nearsights and Slows players inside of it. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
Signature – Sand Trap
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: Free |Cooldown: 20 s (Triggered/Recalled)/45 s (Destroyed) |Health: 100 HP |Debuff: 55% Slow, 4 s Concuss
—EQUIP a Antlion that scans for enemies movement above. FIRE to throw the antlion. Upon landing, the Antlion goes underground. ALT FIRE to lob. After an enemy comes in range, the antlion destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that pulls and Slows players caught inside of it toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside concussed. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed trap.
Ultimate – name—Laser Ray from the sun similar to brim's ult but smaller radius, other differences (2 version, Primary straight-line/Secondary stationary)
157 replies