Character Concept; Agent XX Scarab

I decided to do a fun little experiment and make a character from a random country and quite clearly I got Egypt so Meet the former Tomb Guardian now Sentinel, Masika Omar Hafez A.K.A. Scarab
114 Replies
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Basic ability #1 Locusts; -1 charge per round -Costs 175 Credits -2dmg/tick 8ticks/sec -has a range of 3m -duration of 4.25s -Description; Equip and left click to place the nest to hang onto a wall or ceiling. When an enemy enters range a swarm of locusts envelop the player. The locusts will follow the player for 2m from initial range before returning to the area
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Basic Ability #2 Sand Trap; -2 charges per round -Costs 150 each -Duration of 3s -Size 5m -Description; Equip a handful of Yellow Sand and place it on the ground. When an enemy gets close enough, after a small wind up time, a concussive blast (1s concuss) of sand erupts and (40%) slows those inside the range.
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Signature Ability Mirage; -1 charge | 35s recharge -Duration of 6s with 50hp -Description; Equip a handful of White Sand Primary; Send Mirage of Scarab forward (Speed controlled by player movement; walking forward, runs with knife out| standing still, Runs with gun out| walking backward, Walking with gun out), Hold the fire button to control its path. Alt; You can send the Mirage onto a site or towards the spike to appear to Plant/Defuse once animation is over the ability ends When either the Plant/Defuse animation, the duration, the player presses the ability button again, or it is destroyed the Mirage turns back into White Sand and falls to the wind obstructing vision in its path for 5 meters
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Ultimate Ability SandStorm; -Costs 7 ult points -duration of 20s -Size of 20m -Description; Equip a ball of Red Sand and Primary Fire to throw (1.2s), or ALT Fire to toss (0.6s). The Red Sand then explodes downward into a dome shape. Players who enter Sand Storm are subjected to 40% slow and Nearsight
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Passive Ability Sandstrider-Scarab is unaffected by her Sand’s slow
Guinea pig
Guinea pig15mo ago
Very nice detail to work and abilities
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Thanks it is a first draft though so any critiques would be appreciated
Fami15mo ago
the locusts seem a bit underpowered as (if) the nest can be shot off, can be easily avoided and even if cannot be avoided, it doesn't really do anything that helpful unless you are close enough rest all abilities are unique and cool tho would totally play my advice on locusts would be add at least some sort of damage or maybe track them longer i personally like the mirageg (unless it was a typo) ability a lot a mix of yoru and partially gekko sounds cool
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Yeah I forgot to add the damage from the file it’s on there now And that was a typo I’ll fix now And thanks the interest
Fami15mo ago
Anytime, i like characters who can prove to be a big annoyance Scarab feels like one them
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I have an inkling you play Yoru
Fami15mo ago
Nah, I'm more of a controller I like directly hiding things and annoying people I haven't even unlocked yoru cause flashes aren't my thing
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Fair fair I’m also a controller
Fami15mo ago
Which one?
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Varies for the map but mostly omen
Fami15mo ago
I usually do viper or omen if bind or icebox Im more of a laidback killer if that's a thing I do initiators a good bit as well Wbu
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I can play pretty much every agent fairly well but I prefer controllers
Fami15mo ago
Ah, a jack of all trades, fair fair
UnknownGuide15mo ago
That was fast
UnknownGuide15mo ago
im gonna attempt to draw Scarab but first Them Text
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CloneComanderRex15mo ago
Earthboy33315mo ago
No offense but why is she white, cause she's from Egypt so shouldn't she be middle eastern?
Pixelッ15mo ago
It was Ai art, Ai is not perfect with that stuff
Earthboy33315mo ago
Oh My bad
UnknownGuide15mo ago
yeah Im currently in the middle of drawing her myself but i wanted to see what ai came up with
daisiiy15mo ago
ok which ai did you use?
UnknownGuide15mo ago
i dont know off the top off my head give me a few I used StarryAI
MisterM0n5ter15mo ago
Fami15mo ago
i forgot to ask, any backstory you've made for her?
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
Scarab Sentinel
Passive – Sandstrider
PASSIVELY movement speed Scarab instead of being Slowed when standing in Scarab's own Slow.
Ability 1 – Locustswarm
Uses: 2 Uses |Cost: 200 |Duration: 5 s |Health: 50 HP |Damage: 25-50/s (Outer to Inner radius) —Equip a Locust nest. FIRE to throw the nest that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering zone of swarming locusts that damages. ALT FIRE to place a covert nest. ACTIVATE the nest to release a damaging swarm of locusts.
Ability 2 – Sandstorm
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: 300 |Duration: 15 s |Cooldown: 8 s (after deactivation) |Debuff: Nearsight, 55% Slow —EQUIP a sand beetle. FIRE to throw the beetle that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a large dust cloud that Nearsights and Slows players inside of it. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
Signature – Sand Trap
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: Free |Cooldown: 20 s (Triggered/Recalled)/45 s (Destroyed) |Health: 100 HP |Debuff: 55% Slow, 4 s Concuss —EQUIP a Antlion that scans for enemies movement above. FIRE to throw the antlion. Upon landing, the Antlion goes underground. ALT FIRE to lob. After an enemy comes in range, the antlion destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that pulls and Slows players caught inside of it toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside concussed. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed trap.
Ultimate – name
—Laser Ray from the sun similar to brim's ult but smaller radius, other differences (2 version, Primary straight-line/Secondary stationary)
UnknownGuide15mo ago
“Meet the sentinel scarab” “unaffected by her Sand’s slow” I was thinking something along the lines of her being from a long lineage of a family who protected the sarcophagus of a Pharaoh or something else important
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
So a tomb guardian or priestess
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Yeah something like that I was putting more thought into abilities than backstory at first
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
Using ancient insect/bugs to help defend her pharaoh and if that's not enough she calls upon the sun for help aka laser ray
UnknownGuide15mo ago
That sounds like an automatic Astra pull but concussing instead of vulnerable
qwerty15mo ago
Monarch of shadows
i think the idea and all the abilities are very cool, the only thing i was a little confused was mirage, i think its a little like a yoru clone that you can control? the ult sound a little strange like a mix of kj and harbor ult and nearsiting anyone who walks in sounds a bit broken, i think its a great concept tho!
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Thanks and for explanation mirage is a mix of wingman and Yoru clone and Sandstorm is a little like if vipers snake pit had sage slows on the ground
Monarch of shadows
ty i think its a really great and high quality concept 🥰
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Thanks again you a :GigaChadBrim:
Monarch of shadows
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Oh and to clear it up sandstorm doesn’t have decay Im procrastinating the shit out of this someone motivate me somehow
Monarch of shadows
Would be cool
UnknownGuide15mo ago
UnknownGuide15mo ago
quick progress shot
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Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
What if you can RE-USE the abilities after a short cooldown after picking them up, excluding ult, similar to gekko
Monarch of shadows
wait this is SO GOOD make some stuff a lil bigger tho 😅
UnknownGuide15mo ago
You’re gonna have to be a bit specific, I could make her hands bigger or her hair maybe the coat tails? I was thinking of that as well but more towards like chamber or cypher than gekko
Monarch of shadows
ah srry tbh i know nothing abt art so maybe ask some other people?
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I thought you were meaning the breasts and just being coy So I was messing with you
Guinea pig
Guinea pig15mo ago
One thing about the stance, it is based of Reyna? As it seems very similar in terms of look
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Yes it is I’m gonna change it some as I continue drawing but Reyna was the base for it
MisterM0n5ter15mo ago
looking good!
cypher gf is here
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I guess up to you
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
B/c Sandstorm seems like a controller signature
UnknownGuide15mo ago
idk my think is a sentinel so thats why i did it this way
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
"Sentinels are defensive experts who can lock down areas and watch flanks, both on attacker and defender rounds." —OS Desc
COOLTIL15mo ago
Monarch of shadows
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Motivation lost once more help Whenever I’m done with this which should I do? A player card or a contract skin
Monarch of shadows
nahhh plz finish it its so good 🥹 card
UnknownGuide15mo ago
alright noted
Monarch of shadows
UnknownGuide15mo ago
np I HATE Hands
Fngoomba15mo ago
Not sure if it would make it easier or not, but they could always be linen wrapped
UnknownGuide15mo ago
my hatred is more towards the fingers
Fngoomba15mo ago
That’s what I meant, you could always be a touch more lazy and just have them be wrapped Like, all 4 fingers wrapped together and then a thumb
UnknownGuide15mo ago
wouldnt that be difficult to pull a trigger with though
Fngoomba15mo ago
Umm That is the point of the game isn’t it Sorry I have a propensity for bad ideas
UnknownGuide15mo ago
all good dont worry
Monarch of shadows
UnknownGuide15mo ago
im done for today heres progress shot
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Monarch of shadows
noice FIRE 🔥 🔥 🔥
Julius15mo ago
That's cool
Fami15mo ago
Her head looks too small compared to her assets but really cool 10/10 design
DΞX15mo ago
turn the locusts into a mini flash bang where it cuts off the player from all sound, and 50% vision Her abdomen and waist are actually much smaller than they probably should be for healthy anatomy, but the head to chest ratio is actually pretty realistic oh, you probably meant this picture. Yeah, I agree; her head is much too small
Fami15mo ago
i dunno really, it looks quite small to me
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Yeah I noticed that last night after I sent it, I’m gonna make it a little bigger
NikkiKaji15mo ago
ooh nice I'm liking how she's turning out
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Thanks I’m very much procrastinating on the face rn tho :KekwSob:
UnknownGuide15mo ago
head fixed
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
I pretty much have to do the face now
UnknownGuide15mo ago
okay hear me out no face
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Fami15mo ago
Make it a guy Fawkes mask
UnknownGuide15mo ago
No I’m gonna draw the face I’m just procrastinating still
lenient15mo ago
she want me
UnknownGuide15mo ago
its not much but ive motivated my self to do the eyes and nose
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
I’m probably going to procrastinate the mouth for twice as long as I did for the eyes cause I really hate drawing them
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
Thoughts, I don't know what to do with the ult
UnknownGuide15mo ago
It sounds more like a mix between brim and viper
DΞX15mo ago
give her one of these or smthn
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
mightve if i didnt already draw everything but the mouth
DΞX15mo ago
UnknownGuide15mo ago
thanks for the suggestion though
UnknownGuide15mo ago
i did a thing
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
now for the home stretch
Earthboy33315mo ago
Give her an eye of horus/ra necklace
UnknownGuide15mo ago
she has eye of horus and eye of ra tattoos
UnknownGuide15mo ago
mouth shading and highlights are DONE
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
I wanted to change the cover image but I can’t add a new one help well i fucked this up
Pixelッ15mo ago
Now do a 3D model of said Agent
UnknownGuide15mo ago
thats a funny joke
Pixelッ15mo ago
I guess I'll use that for a joke now.
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I’m gonna start on the Player Card tomorrow does anyone know how to add the new image so that it appears on the title part in the list? I might have to make a new post i can figure out how to do this and just accidentally got rid of the initiall post completely rip
Soundwave15mo ago
what happened to the original one?
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I wanted to replace the ai image with the one i drew deletes it and didnt know how to add the new one and while messing around trying to add it i accidentaly deleted the original message Im not very smart sometimes
Soundwave15mo ago
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Im gonna keep trying to figure out how to fix this one for a little but if i cant ill just link the new post in here
Soundwave15mo ago
UnknownGuide15mo ago
#Character Concept; Masika Omar Hafez A.K.A Scarab About to start the player card I’ll do the progress shots here
daisiiy15mo ago