Character Concept; Masika Omar Hafez A.K.A Scarab

The former Egyptian Tomb Guardian turned Sentinel for the Valorant Protocol. Abilities below
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55 Replies
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Basic ability #1 Locusts; -1 charge per round -Costs 175 Credits -2dmg/tick 8ticks/sec -has a range of 3m -duration of 4.25s -Description; Equip a handful of gray sand. Left click to hang the sand onto a wall or ceiling. When an enemy enters range a swarm of locusts envelop the player. The locusts will follow the player for up to 2m from initial range before returning to the area
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Basic Ability #2 Sand Trap; -2 charges per round -Costs 150 each -Duration of 3s -Size 5m -Description; Equip a handful of Yellow Sand and place it on the ground. When an enemy gets close enough, after a small wind up time, a concussive blast (1s concuss) of sand erupts and (40%) slows those inside the range.
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Signature Ability Mirage; -1 charge | 35s recharge -Duration of 6s with 50hp -Description; Equip a handful of White Sand Primary; Send Mirage of Scarab forward (Speed controlled by player movement; walking forward, runs with knife out| standing still, Runs with gun out| walking backward, Walking with gun out), Hold the fire button to control its path. Alt; You can send the Mirage onto a site or towards the spike to appear to Plant/Defuse once animation is over the ability ends When either the Plant/Defuse animation, the duration, the player presses the ability button again, or it is destroyed the Mirage turns back into White Sand and falls to the wind obstructing vision in its path for 5 meters
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Ultimate Ability SandStorm; -Costs 7 ult points -duration of 20s -Size of 20m -Description; Equip a ball of Red Sand and Primary Fire to throw (1.2s), or ALT Fire to toss (0.6s). The Red Sand then explodes downward into a dome shape. Players who enter Sand Storm are subjected to 40% slow and Nearsighted
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
Passive Ability Sandstrider-Scarab is unaffected by her Sand’s slow
Fami15mo ago
i forgot if there was any backstory, and now i cant seem to find the original thread sooo was there?
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Look above the first image that’s all there is right now
Fami15mo ago
Ah alright
UnknownGuide15mo ago
I’m gonna try to speed run the player card tonight/tomorrow
Crit Me
Crit Me15mo ago
Scarab Sentinel
Passive – Sandstrider
PASSIVELY movement speed Scarab instead of being Slowed when standing in Scarab's own Slow.
Ability 1 – Locustswarm
Uses: 2 Uses |Cost: 200 |Duration: 5 s |Health: 50 HP |Damage: 25-50/s (Outer to Inner radius) —Equip a Locust nest. FIRE to throw the nest that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering zone of swarming locusts that damages. ALT FIRE to place a covert nest. ACTIVATE the nest to release a damaging swarm of locusts.
Ability 2 – Sandstorm
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: 300 |Duration: 15 s |Cooldown: 8 s (after deactivation) |Debuff: Nearsight, 55% Slow —EQUIP a sand beetle. FIRE to throw the beetle that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a large dust cloud that Nearsights and Slows players inside of it. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
Signature – Sand Trap
Uses: 1 Uses |Cost: Free |Cooldown: 2 kill recharge, 20 s (Recalled)/45 s (Destroyed) |Health: 100 HP |Debuff: 55% Slow, 4 s Concuss —EQUIP a Antlion that scans for enemies movement above. FIRE to throw the antlion. Upon landing, the Antlion goes underground. ALT FIRE to lob. After an enemy comes in range, the antlion destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that pulls and Slows players caught inside of it toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside concussed. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed trap.
Ultimate – name
—Laser Ray from the sun similar to brim's ult but smaller radius, other differences (2 version, Primary straight-line/Secondary stationary)
UnknownGuide15mo ago
Quick question why do you keep doing this?
DΞX15mo ago
I think he doesn't realize you've already made skills or something? idk, but it is strange
DΞX15mo ago
also fix the eyes over hair
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UnknownGuide15mo ago
As in get rid of it? Cause I personally like having it that way
DΞX15mo ago
IMHO it gives this negative feeling of unfinished work, plus it's made worse when it looks like everything else is finalized
UnknownGuide15mo ago
fair i just like the transparent look it adds through the hair
DΞX15mo ago
I know that some people like it for the art style, but I've never really seen its use outside of beginning sketches. Additionally, it's not part of the valorant art style, so maybe consider that Hm, interesting That is a good point
UnknownGuide15mo ago
yours is too never really thought of it as lookingunfinished Well I’ve decided on what to do for the player card now I just need to draw it
DΞX15mo ago
UnknownGuide14mo ago
motivation to draw is such a fickle thing
14mo ago
a @Deleted User Really cool stuff btw
Deleted User
Deleted User14mo ago
what? OH
14mo ago
I thoughti ts similar To ur character Not the design But the idea
Deleted User
Deleted User14mo ago
Ohhh this looks Pretty cool! I love abilities design and the icons The character looks fabulous
UnknownGuide14mo ago
Thanks I’m planning on making basically everything for a character rn it’s the player card
Deleted User
Deleted User14mo ago
Cant wait to see it!
UnknownGuide14mo ago
Now if only I could have constant drawing motivation I got the day off tomorrow so ill try getting some progress then
Lil Timmy
Lil Timmy14mo ago
You could use the Egyptian gods in this. For example: ability Anibus. Summon a dog that goes from one point to another and if he sees anyone he will mark them on the map.
UnknownGuide14mo ago
Interesting idea but the abilities have already been made their right below the original post
Lil Timmy
Lil Timmy14mo ago
I did see that but I just thought seeing sand all the time would be confusing in the game and some maps already have sand in it. I do like the picture and the region is a great idea.
UnknownGuide14mo ago
That’s a fair point aw fuck i messed up i just thought of a new concept and now thats where my brain is instead of drawing someone help get me on track
Lil Timmy
Lil Timmy14mo ago
UnknownGuide14mo ago
I havent worked on it at all
Fami14mo ago
You got this lad
Lil Timmy
Lil Timmy14mo ago
One day
UnknownGuide13mo ago
Its been so long and this is all i have to show for it ;-;
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Fami13mo ago
one day mate one day
UnknownGuide13mo ago
It may be years from now but one day
Deleted User
Deleted User13mo ago
kiyura13mo ago
bad art
UnknownGuide13mo ago
I am aware
Gaupe13mo ago
this is prob the best fanmade character i have seen really well made to
UnknownGuide13mo ago
NikkiKaji13mo ago
glad to see more updates on your character 🫶
UnknownGuide13mo ago
I wouldnt really say update with the progress that was made for like 2 months
NikkiKaji13mo ago
any progress is progress y'know. gotta be proud of that :)
UnknownGuide13mo ago
kiyura13mo ago
good abilities
UnknownGuide9mo ago
reminder that this is a thing and no has been a fat total of ZERO progress
Fami9mo ago
actually forgot this existed 💀
9mo ago
UnknownGuide9mo ago