Created by Artist201 on 2/19/2025 in #❓・help
usefetch detect redirects globaly ?
if i have many usefetch across my app how to detect any redirects and do so without modifying every single one ?
73 replies
Created by Artist201 on 2/19/2025 in #❓・help
component attribute automatically passed without a v-bind="$attrs"
why are component attribute automatically passed without a v-bind="$attrs" as i want to pass the attirbutes to a child element inside the component and not a parent element
9 replies
Created by Artist201 on 12/16/2024 in #❓・help
pages with usefetch causes browser tab crash on fast (back/forward) actions
as the title says pages with usefetch causes browser tab to crash on fast (back/forward) actions. If the user goes back/forth very fast (approximately 4 times and more ) quickly the browser tab will crash.... this is only happening with pages that have usefetch. I tried to disable SSR rendering mode, but same issue. Any idea on how to fix that ?
10 replies
Created by Artist201 on 11/20/2024 in #❓・help
Global middleware only runs once on client side ?
Hello there, Hope you all doing well. am trying to force a user on a password reset page based on their login token. the password reset flag is working fine. But my issues are : server side middleware redirect only works the first time the page is opened. then the user can navigate (though any usefetch will be returining 500 now ) i tried then to add a frontend middleware, but this is also only triggered once and never triggers when the user tries to navigate to other pages
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
const userStore = useUserStore();
const {resetPassword} = storeToRefs(userStore);
if(resetPassword && !(to.fullPath == '/passResetPath' || to.fullPath == '/passResetPath/')){
navigateTo('/passResetPath',{ redirectCode: 301 })

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
const userStore = useUserStore();
const {resetPassword} = storeToRefs(userStore);
if(resetPassword && !(to.fullPath == '/passResetPath' || to.fullPath == '/passResetPath/')){
navigateTo('/passResetPath',{ redirectCode: 301 })

15 replies
Created by Artist201 on 8/15/2024 in #❓・help
Optional Route parameters ?
No description
10 replies
Created by Artist201 on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
Building a Desktop/Mobile web nuxt app
So i have never touched any part of mobile dev i just usually set up the css media queries to set the page based on the view port. we are soon to start developing the new frontend of our nuxt app and i was wondering if there are any interesting solutions/libraries that could ease how to build a web app that could be transported somehow to mobiles as an app while keeping the website part working with the same code. what I mean by that is there shouldn't be a different development cycle for each. ( currently native mobile apps features are not necessary for us but it would be nice if it is possible )
10 replies
Created by Artist201 on 6/26/2024 in #❓・help
key differences when developing vue in nuxt ?
assuming I Only made the main page static what key points should I care about when developing Vue frontend in nuxt ? ( also I still didn't find a way to enforce authentication without sending the page and doing an API call... I should be able to refuse the connection immediately and not waste resources/bandwidth ( unless I am missing something) )
10 replies
Created by Artist201 on 5/30/2024 in #❓・help
Rendering pages based on server side API calls
soo, in short am using an external service that I want to embed in my page as an iframe after authenticating through the server, how can I compute the URL server side and then pass it to the page to be loaded in the iframe ? (this requires the usage of some node.js libraries and database requests on the server side)
2 replies
Created by Artist201 on 5/24/2024 in #❓・help
task queues on server side
is there a way to implement task queues on server side ? such that the server respond to its request(GET/POST....etc) and run the task in a task queue in a way the prevents the server from going down in a serverless environment ? as I found my self needing to make many things asynchronous in-order to prevent the request handler function from dying on me in a serverless environment
2 replies
Created by Artist201 on 5/16/2024 in #❓・help
Does the nuxt Certified developer include training on the frontend part/vue3 ?
Does the nuxt Certified developer include training on the frontend part/vue3 ? if not... any suggested resources? also, if it is not included then it is quite pricy
4 replies
Created by Artist201 on 5/5/2024 in #❓・help
Cloudflare build preset Error
Am trying to test deploy my app on cloudflare following this guide and receiving this error on the build part this error only happens when i have the following preset set
preset: "cloudflare-pages"
preset: "cloudflare-pages"
28 replies
Created by Artist201 on 5/4/2024 in #❓・help
Prevent a package from being treeshaken/ deleted from final build on production
No description
21 replies
Created by Artist201 on 5/4/2024 in #❓・help
Environment variable not accessible on deployment
No description
3 replies
Created by Artist201 on 4/24/2024 in #❓・help
Vercel Vs Cloudflare
any opinions in regard why to choose one over the other ? as far as my comparison goes. i think they both provide the same CI/CD integration through Github though cloudflare have DDOS protection from the first tier while vercel seem to have more analytics (idk how much of it is relevant) and "basic ddos" protection on the first tier (20$/m)
15 replies
Created by Artist201 on 4/18/2024 in #❓・help
New github repo pushes doesn't update the production version on vercel ?
No description
2 replies
Created by Artist201 on 3/10/2024 in #❓・help
Protecting Dynamic routs through Server middleware ?
Is there anyway to protect dynamic routs using server middle ware ? I was using the following:
function isRouteProtected(incomingRoute : any, protectedRouts:any) {
for (const protectedRoute of protectedRouts) {
if (incomingRoute.startsWith(protectedRoute)) {
// exception routs
if (incomingRoute.startsWith(exceptionRouts)) {
return true; // Incoming route starts with a protected route
return false; // No match found
function isRouteProtected(incomingRoute : any, protectedRouts:any) {
for (const protectedRoute of protectedRouts) {
if (incomingRoute.startsWith(protectedRoute)) {
// exception routs
if (incomingRoute.startsWith(exceptionRouts)) {
return true; // Incoming route starts with a protected route
return false; // No match found
which was doing fine for my case but i needed to change the routing and now i have a dynamic routes like this /something/something/[slug]/something sooo, how am i going to tell the middle ware to protect this rout ? I really don't want to add a "protected" method at the start of each rout....
2 replies