Created by Draq on 12/20/2023 in #✋|help
.Net 8 support
Hi, Is there any plans to support .net 8 version? When it's possible to expect if so
4 replies
Created by Draq on 11/21/2023 in #✋|help
React deploy failing
Hi, I'm facing with problem of deploy react spa. I start classic with create-react app and keep develop my app. Sience i decide to deploy i'm keep receiving ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c npm ci" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 I already tried follow by your guide but didn;t helped: https://help.railway.app/project-help/f9v3gkPQRy4UShk5SnoPDH/getting-your-create-react-app-running-on-railway/qHRsgxa5n57xLp1yVgk9fP Please help me bc it's another app on railway where i'm facing with some weird problem i'm stack at solving for a weeks..
7 replies
Created by Draq on 9/24/2023 in #✋|help
.net7 restore error while deploying
Hi guys, I'm trying to deploy app in .net 7 Can you please hint me, how can i solve problem of keep receiving error: "ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c dotnet restore" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1" Docker suggest me to line 19 but i mine docker file 19 line is empty. Dockerfile:19 17 | # install phase 18 | COPY . /app/. 19 | >>> RUN dotnet restore 20 | 21 | # build phase Error: Docker build failed MS build error (like below) suggest i have wrong path to projects set? My Docker config work locally but not when i'm deploying, so locally paths are set correctly.. MSBUILD : error MSB1003: Specify a project or solution file. The current working directory does not contain a project or solution file. My railway.toml config is: [build] builder = "dockerfile" dockerfilePath = "./MyApp/Server/Dockerfile" [deploy] startCommand = "dotnet MyApp.Server.dll" restartPolicyType = "never"
7 replies
Created by Draq on 9/17/2023 in #✋|help
Publishing .net 7 app - project file not found
Hi, I'm new in railway and i'm faced with file structure problem. I heared that way to publish is set solution option "Place solution and project in the same directory", but my project which i decide to migrate to railway is quite diversified file structure and copying all to same directory now will be little insane for solution. Is there any workaround of this problem? Some configuration file where i can set a paths? or something?
6 replies