Joshua Gerke
Nuxt auth utils reactive update
Hey guys, how can i update a session value? there are some values only updating when i am refreshing the page like player coins and stuff, but i want to update the session values from the database directly, is there an integrated feature?
4 replies
TailwindCSS/Nesting error
Hey guys, i got an error in nuxt3 with the newest nuxt ui pro version.
i think it has something todo with pnpm
[17:51:23] WARN [nuxt] could not import postcss plugin tailwindcss/nesting with ESM. Please report this as a bug.
[17:51:23] ERROR Cannot start nuxt: Package subpath './nesting' is not defined by "exports" in C:\Users\Comma\Documents\Own\jghost\jghost-frontend\node_modules.pnpm\node_modules\tailwindcss\package.json
5 replies
Laravel CSRF Token mismatch.
Hey guys, i am trying to make my auth with nuxt frontend and laravel backend, but somehow i can't make anything because of the CSRF...
i tried asking in stackoverflow but no helpfull answer, eventually someone of you guys can help me.
4 replies