Created by TMC on 8/14/2024 in #🛟-help
Wireless Corne Row and Screen Issues
Hello, I finished building a wireless Corne using the kit and following the provided docs. I'm running into a few issues that I can't figure out. 1. On the left half, the bottom row doesn't work. I looked at the associated pin (P0.11) which did seem to be soldered badly so I fixed it but the bottom row still doesn't work. Both sides seem to be soldered pretty well. I also checked for solder jumps to nearby pins using a multimeter but there aren't any. I don't know if I can check whether that particular pin is defective or something. 2. Both of the nice!views don't work properly. The right hand side is either always just random dots or blank. And the left hand side is mostly blank or random dots or occasionally it'll look mostly normal with numbers and the word "Base" and a battery display, but it will still have random dots on screen or a few columns will just be random dots. I've tried on both the provided firmware as well as custom firmware so I don't think it's that.
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