Wireless Corne Row and Screen Issues

Hello, I finished building a wireless Corne using the kit and following the provided docs. I'm running into a few issues that I can't figure out. 1. On the left half, the bottom row doesn't work. I looked at the associated pin (P0.11) which did seem to be soldered badly so I fixed it but the bottom row still doesn't work. Both sides seem to be soldered pretty well. I also checked for solder jumps to nearby pins using a multimeter but there aren't any. I don't know if I can check whether that particular pin is defective or something. 2. Both of the nice!views don't work properly. The right hand side is either always just random dots or blank. And the left hand side is mostly blank or random dots or occasionally it'll look mostly normal with numbers and the word "Base" and a battery display, but it will still have random dots on screen or a few columns will just be random dots. I've tried on both the provided firmware as well as custom firmware so I don't think it's that.
61 Replies
TyperAI5mo ago
It sounds like you're experiencing a couple of common issues with your wireless Corne keyboard. Let's address each one: 1. Bottom Row Not Working: Since you've already checked the solder joint for pin P0.11 and ensured there are no solder bridges, the next step is to verify the diode associated with that row. Each switch has a diode that needs to be oriented correctly and soldered well. If the diode is cracked or not making a good connection, it could cause the entire row to fail. Check the diode's orientation and solder joints. If everything looks good, you might want to test the pin itself using a multimeter in continuity mode to see if it’s functioning properly. If the pin is defective, you may need to replace the nice!nano. 2. nice!view Issues: The problems with the nice!views displaying random dots or being mostly blank could be related to a few factors. First, ensure that the sockets for the nice!views are soldered correctly and that the headers are making good contact. If you're using soldered headers, check that they are flush and properly soldered. If you're using no-solder headers, ensure they are fully inserted. Additionally, check the connections to the nice!nano; if the nice!nano isn't functioning properly, it could affect the display. Lastly, since you've tried both the provided firmware and custom firmware, it’s less likely to be a firmware issue, but ensure that the nice!nano is properly flashed and functioning. If you've checked all these points and the issues persist, it may be beneficial to reach out for further assistance or consider re-soldering the connections for the nice!views. Good luck!
TMCOP5mo ago
1. How do I check the diode? What does it look like and where on the board is it? I already checked using a multimeter in continuity mode. 2. I think that they're soldered well, but it's quite hard to tell
TMCOP5mo ago
Pic of pin associated with the row
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TMCOP5mo ago
Pictures of nice view on left side
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TMCOP5mo ago
Is there anything else that I can check or did I get some faulty parts or something?
Nicell5mo ago
@TMC do you have a multimeter? What temperature did you solder at? If you do have a multimeter, check that you're getting continuity from the nano to the bottom row
TMCOP5mo ago
I soldered at 290. I also checked using a multimeter continuity test that it would connect from the solder on top to the solder on the bottom for the problematic pin
Nicell5mo ago
Can you check from the pin all the way to a hotswap socket on that row
TMCOP5mo ago
What do you mean? I'm checking from the solder on the top of the keyboard(the pin). To the solder on the bottom of the keyboard (the hotswap socket).
Nicell5mo ago
if you swap the nanos between each half, does the bad row follow the nano?
TMCOP5mo ago
Ok, I tried that and reflashed both halves using the typeractive provided firmware. Now the left half works fine (including the screen which never worked fully before), but the right half doesn't work(screen also doesn't work). I tried to hit reset on both halves at the same time, but that doesn't fix the issue, the right half still doesn't work. I don't have time to try the reset bond procedure today, I can try that tomorrow
Nicell5mo ago
Ok interesting, thanks
TMCOP5mo ago
Flashed the reset firmware onto both and then flashed the typeractive firmware back and still the same issue. Typing on right side does nothing. Not sure if there's even a way to tell whether it's connected at all to the left side since the screen on the right doesn't work
Nicell5mo ago
sounds like there's still bad bonds if they're not connecting/typing TBH you didn't need to reflash the halves, you could've just moved them over 😅 left half firmware on the right half and vice versa doesn't really matter for this testing part which means maybe try the reset firmware cycle one more time to try to get the halves paired
TMCOP5mo ago
I tried hitting both reset buttons together probably 10+ times after flashing the firmware again and it didn't fix the issue. The zmk docs that were linked from the typeractive page mentioned needing to reflash the firmware after flashing the reset image
Nicell5mo ago
I meant when you swapped halves for testing, no need to flash the different side firmware you'll need to turn on USB debugging now to see why the right side is failing to connect to the left
TMCOP5mo ago
Do you have docs for how to do that? I can try that tomorrow or maybe the day afterwards
Nicell5mo ago
here you are
TMCOP5mo ago
Ok, enabled logging. Here's what output on the left half immediately after clicking the reset button both halves I'm not too sure how to read this exactly. It looks like at the end might have detected the other device?
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TMCOP5mo ago
And then from the right half it just seems to not do anything
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TMCOP5mo ago
After pressing some keys the right would print the following
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Nicell5mo ago
Yeah they're still not finding each other 🤔 It really seems like your reset firmware is not working
Nicell5mo ago
Connection Issues | ZMK Firmware
Troubleshooting wireless connection issues of ZMK devices.
TMCOP5mo ago
Oops, just saw your reply. Yeah that's the guide I used Downloaded a reset uf2 from github actions
Nicell5mo ago
I'm starting to wonder if the reset uf2's have changed recently, they seem spotty as of late do you have any other ZMK devices?
TMCOP5mo ago
I do not unfortunately Any idea what else I can try? Or is it likely the nicenano is faulty?
Nicell5mo ago
let's send you a replacement, what's your order number and what do you need?
TMCOP5mo ago
Order number is TA10389 I believe that one of the nicenanos is defective. I've also never gotten the niceview on the right side working, but if I swap the screens, the one on the left still works and the one on the right still works, so while there is an issue somewhere I don't think it's the screen
Nicell5mo ago
so what's the status of what works and what doesn't right now? let's get down to exactly what's broken and what we need to send replacements for
TMCOP5mo ago
So right now the left half seems to work. But on the right half, the screen and nicenano don't. I don't know why the screen on the right doesn't work. I hope it's not the pcb but I'm not sure
Nicell5mo ago
does the nice!nano get power on the right side? check by pressing the reset button on the right and seeing if the blue LED does anything at all. If you swap views, which view works?
TMCOP5mo ago
When I swap the views, the left one still works.. The nicenano on the right does get power. When I press reset the blue led blinks twice
Nicell5mo ago
I hate to ask you to do this again but can you do the reset firmware dance one more time? everything seems to be working as I read over your logs
TMCOP5mo ago
Wait even this part?
Nicell5mo ago
yeah that looks fine, it just indicates it hasn’t paired which is not a hardware issue, it’s a software one
TMCOP5mo ago
Makes sense. I wish it would print out why it doesn't pair though. Ok, flashed reset to both and then flashed both to the typeractive firmware and no changes. Right side still doesn't do anything When the corne is properly working, is a computer supposed to 1: only connect to the left half and then the left half connects to right or 2: Computer connects to both left and right
Nicell5mo ago
TMCOP5mo ago
Ah ok. I remember a few weeks ago my computer was somehow connected to both. But that was a bunch of firmware resets ago
Nicell5mo ago
Ok, trying to decide if you need just a new nano for the right or also a right side PCB 🤔
TMCOP4mo ago
Hey, can I get an update on this?
Nicell4mo ago
Could you try this reset firmware? Seems like some people had better luck with it: https://github.com/joric/nrfmicro/releases/download/1.4/zmk_clear.uf2 if that still doesn't work, we'll send a replacement nano and right side pcb
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TMCOP4mo ago
Ok, using that reset and going back to the default typeractive firmware, it fixed the connection issue, but now I'm back to the original issue where the bottom row doesn't work (except it's now on the right half as opposed to the left). And the screen on the right is just random dots
Nicell4mo ago
thanks, was this after swapping the nanos? if so, sounds like you need a new nano and we'll send it your way
TMCOP4mo ago
Yeah, I swapped them the first time you suggested swapping them and then didn't swap them again ty, is the screen issue also likely due to the nano?
Nicell4mo ago
probably yes could you share your order number?
TMCOP4mo ago
TA10389 I'm still at the same addres
Nicell4mo ago
you should've just gotten an email for the replacement order
TMCOP3mo ago
yup ty I got the replacement nicenano and swapped it in. The bottom row keys now work, but the screen issues (right screen just dots) still persist. Any idea how I can diagnose it?
Nicell3mo ago
hmmm this is weird and swapping displays results in? must be a bad connection still
TMCOP3mo ago
When I tried it before, the screen on the left still worked but the one on the right was still just dots.
Nicell3mo ago
:aaaaa: I wonder if there’s poor connection still. If you tilt the display up/down do you get better results? basically trying to apply more pressure in the socket
TMCOP3mo ago
Is that safe for the socket? I can try that later Just tried wiggling the screen up and down and no difference in the dots. I also tried using a multimeter to do a continuity test on the top and bottom pins and they seem to be connected properly
Nicell3mo ago
sorry, could you swap your nanos? I can’t imagine the nano is broken again
TMCOP2mo ago
Just tried swapping them, and when I plugged them into the computer, the left one has a nice picture, and the right one is just dots So is there anything else I can try? Or is one of the parts broken?
Nicell2mo ago
Wow I'm sorry for such a delay here. No excuse. Let's see. We could try sneding another nano but that didn't work last time. Maybe you need a whole new right half PCB? It's hard to say.
TMCOP2mo ago
The only thing that hasn't been tried is switching the PCB right? I'm pretty sure that we've tried swapping the nano and screen. I'm not sure what else it could be
Nicell2mo ago
can you share pictures of the soldering on the nano and view one more time? we can send a replacement PCB too
TMCOP2mo ago
Sorry for the delay, but I think I figured it out. I was using the zoom on my phone for getting a picture of the back of the keyboard and noticed a solder bridge that I couldn't see before. I broke the bridge and the nice view seems to work now
Nicell2mo ago

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