OpenDeck detects Stream Deck Plus but actions do not work.
Alright im home. I was able to get a clock and a dice rolling plug in to work. I tried reinstalling OpenDeck but the 3rd party plugins persisted, so I may not be installing/uninstalling correctly.
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OpenDeck detects Stream Deck Plus but actions do not work.
I've tried a good 20 or so. Most based on controlling sound. The open deck starterpack did not work either. It shows up perfectly on the stream deck but when the button is pressed nothing happens.
106 replies
OpenDeck detects Stream Deck Plus but actions do not work.
@ninjadev64 Replaced the udev rules with the new one. Not getting that error in the logs anymore but none of the plugins work still.
Ill try to keep troubleshooting when I get home from work.
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