Created by Reoreyh on 6/16/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Formality and proportion implications of having long hair and wearing it down.
One of the more helpful things this place taught me was that it's never your body's fault that a fit doesn't work. I think hair style, type, shape, etc, probably falls under this. But I noticed as I was browsing some basic summer fits that every single model was a short haired man, and I started to imagine these models with the same length hair as myself. Given that there are some rough conventionalities, such as monochrome making people look taller, black being slimming, etc, is there any value to giving thought to how having long hair affects silhouette or proportion? Particularly when it comes to neck visibility or clashing layers of formality? Sometimes I check how an outfit looks with both my hair up and down (it's quite long - down to the middle of my chest) and I feel like it can greatly influence the look as a whole. Has anyone else with long hair noticed this? Is it worth considering or am I just overthinking? Do you avoid certain things or have you developed any habits around this?
10 replies
Created by Reoreyh on 4/13/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Have body dysmorphic disorder and need general help/advice.
Hey guys. I have BDD and I've always struggled finding clothes and getting them to fit correctly. I keep very fit and I'm nearing what I think I'd like to be my "final" size at a lean 190 lbs @ 6'0 ft tall. I think there's a lot of opportunity for things to go wrong in an outfit when you have muscles and a very dysphoric/inconsistent view of yourself, how things fit, and how certain looks come across. One thing I've been hearing is that I have a very incongruent look, between my body, personality, and my style. I think I'm between most conventional sizes in that most "large" garments off the rack don't fit me at all, and feel baggy and long in the arms, and medium clothes also don't fit, as they are often very tight in the shoulders and upper back area. I've been leaning a lot on knitted clothing lately because it feels less rigid when it's slightly too small. Pants are a complete nightmare as well, because they either never fit in a way that I feel comfortable in, or if they do, they don't pair well with the shoes or boots I want to wear with them. I honestly don't even know where to start. I don't have any photos because I often can't stand the way I look - but more importantly, I don't think I'd recognize a good, fitting outfit on myself if I didpull one off. I guess I'm just wondering how to start fixing this problem. Is there a service I can pay for to help me with this? I've considered going to a tailor many times but I don't know what to say or ask or to what extent they could help.
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