is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
i did pass, yes
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
the only person ive met from here
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
shawn met me today and helped me with some of the work 👍
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
i've met some of them for other courses but i'll try to see if i can see some of them next week
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
mahida; i've been keeping her up to date with my situation so its maybe a bit different
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
have you already graduated?
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
yeah i think i'm fairly good at using my resources. i can find stuff on google/stack overflow and chatgpt has been really helpful for explaining concepts
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
i have pretty bad issues with staying focused, so a 2 hour online lecture can be hard to sit through
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
but they are pretty long winded and often go off topic
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
i've been watching prof fardad and prof hong's lectures
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
okay thanks ill take a look
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
im doing my best to catch up on everything im missing but just running outta time
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
yeah i get that; my professor is fine with late submission and i'll get at least partial marks for them all
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
i sent you a friend request on discord
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
i conceptually understand what they all are but i havent actually written much code related to them yet
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
its these things that i haven't covered in too much detail
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
No description
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
but based on the curriculum
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