DHDistant Horizons
Created by k0nr4d1u5 on 4/15/2024 in #help-me
DH LOD Generation stopped
No description
3 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by k0nr4d1u5 on 4/14/2024 in #help-me
RAM size for "pre-loading"
If i want to preload lets say a render distance of 2048, should/can i allocate more ram (than 4gb) to make it preload faster? I have 32gb of ram
4 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by k0nr4d1u5 on 9/23/2023 in #help-me
[SOLVED] Transfering Server-LOD to SP-LOD
As per FAQ I found both locations of the Single- & Multiplayer-LODs. However at a quick glance the structure seems to be different. SP starting with _Default-Sub-Dimension MP starting with the Dimensions THEN _Default-Sub-Dimension Private Server shut down so now I want to transfer the LODs to the SP world. Is it just drag and drop or do I have to change the folder structure (or something else)?
10 replies