Errors with gradle tasks that write files
I am using nixpacks gradle.
I have been getting errors like:
#10 327.5 > Could not copy zip entry /app/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-compiler-embeddable/1.9.0/2c8c3a7402becca891f12739b3e9fd2dc2adbd7a/kotlin-compiler-embeddable-1.9.0.jar!javaslang/?.class to '/app/.gradle/expanded/zip_190f62ce61c412336560b18963fb3dff/javaslang/?.class'.
They seem to be caused by zip and copy tasks. I can't replace some of the tasks because they are part of other gradle plugins and provide no way to control.
I'm not sure this is the cause, but gradle has issues like this when it is writing into a directory it doesn't have ownership of, even if it has permissions to write to
Any help appreciated. Project id: 30d959ae-e330-4322-971d-a4802080496c
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