Created by MrDeer on 6/13/2024 in #❓・help
How to use useState with functions inside
Hey, I have been trying to create a composable for a header, which contains all details about the header. The issue I am facing is, that the useState composable cannot hold functions, otherwise I will get a cannot stringify a function during SSR. What is the recommended workaround to a composable like this?
interface Header {
title?: string
back?: boolean
secondary?: {
icon: string
to?: string
click?: () => void
transparent?: boolean
export default function () {
const state = useState<Header>('header', () => ({}))
const setHeader = (header: Header) => {
state.value = header

return { setHeader, header: readonly(state) }
interface Header {
title?: string
back?: boolean
secondary?: {
icon: string
to?: string
click?: () => void
transparent?: boolean
export default function () {
const state = useState<Header>('header', () => ({}))
const setHeader = (header: Header) => {
state.value = header

return { setHeader, header: readonly(state) }
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