DTDrizzle Team
Created by ayyjohn on 12/30/2024 in #help
how to nest select statement to achieve aliased result
if I have a basic findMany with nested relations and the following schema * users create reviews (as reviewer) * reviews are of a performance * performances are by an artist * performances are at a venue
const recentReviews = await ctx.db.query.reviews.findMany({
orderBy: (reviews, { desc }) => [desc(reviews.createdAt)],
limit: 10,
with: {
performance: {
with: {
artist: true,
venue: true,
reviewer: true,
const recentReviews = await ctx.db.query.reviews.findMany({
orderBy: (reviews, { desc }) => [desc(reviews.createdAt)],
limit: 10,
with: {
performance: {
with: {
artist: true,
venue: true,
reviewer: true,
that returns the data like
performance: {
artist: artistInfo,
venue: venueInfo
reviewer: userInfo
performance: {
artist: artistInfo,
venue: venueInfo
reviewer: userInfo
and i'm trying to perform an aggregation to get the top 10 reviews created in the the last 10 days with the most comments
const popularReviews = await ctx.db
performance: {
time: performances.time,
reviewer: {
firstName: users.firstName,
lastName: users.lastName,
venue: {
artist: {
commentsCount: ctx.db
.$count(reviewComments, eq(reviewComments.reviewId, reviews.id))
.innerJoin(users, eq(users.id, reviews.reviewerId))
.innerJoin(performances, eq(performances.id, reviews.performanceId))
.innerJoin(artists, eq(artists.id, performances.artistId))
.innerJoin(venues, eq(venues.id, performances.venueId))
.orderBy((t) => desc(t.commentsCount))
gte(reviews.createdAt, DateTime.now().minus({ days: 10 }).toJSDate()),
const popularReviews = await ctx.db
performance: {
time: performances.time,
reviewer: {
firstName: users.firstName,
lastName: users.lastName,
venue: {
artist: {
commentsCount: ctx.db
.$count(reviewComments, eq(reviewComments.reviewId, reviews.id))
.innerJoin(users, eq(users.id, reviews.reviewerId))
.innerJoin(performances, eq(performances.id, reviews.performanceId))
.innerJoin(artists, eq(artists.id, performances.artistId))
.innerJoin(venues, eq(venues.id, performances.venueId))
.orderBy((t) => desc(t.commentsCount))
gte(reviews.createdAt, DateTime.now().minus({ days: 10 }).toJSDate()),
which almost gives me back the same data shape, but it won't let me nest artist and venue info under performance. is there a way to update my joins or my select statement so that the shape will be the same as the relational query?
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