how to nest select statement to achieve aliased result
if I have a basic
with nested relations and the following schema
* users create reviews (as reviewer)
* reviews are of a performance
* performances are by an artist
* performances are at a venue
that returns the data like
and i'm trying to perform an aggregation to get the top 10 reviews created in the the last 10 days with the most comments
which almost gives me back the same data shape, but it won't let me nest artist and venue info under performance.
is there a way to update my joins or my select statement so that the shape will be the same as the relational query?9 Replies
im not sure i understood you right but
its plain object you can manipulate it how you want
like that
if that wont work try to set columns without function getTableColumns
but it should worktaking a look 🙂 thank you!
ok, yeah so what you had is what I tried initially, and at least at a static analysis level it complained 😦
is that potentially a drizzle bug, or maybe something I need to fix in my schema/relations?
I have the following relations for artists/performances
how ur func
looks like
perhaps its just TS error?
have you checked it works or no?getTableColumns
is from drizzle-orm
but I can try updating my drizzle version.
I haven't tried actually running it 😅 let me do that
sigh okay lmao it works even with the errors
i'll try upgrading/reinstalling drizzle to see if I can get it to go away, and if not, submit an issue I think
cause unfortunately, even though it's working, my types think everything's broken 😦
looks like i'm on the current highest version of drizzle-orm sob
i still feel like I have a syntax error... hold on
ahhhhh, yeah I think i figured it out: it doesn't like me naming that field artist
because my relations say that performance.artist
has a specific type
so changing it to
i still feel like I should be able to do the original syntax, but at least I know why it's complaining now so I can see if I can either fix that by fixing my relations or work around itoooooh, I think maybe the error might be coming from the use of the generic word
cause if I simplify it to just
I get this more specific error and clicking through the name
key takes me to drizzle's Column
type defthough notably that doesn't happen if i add
to the performances objectok, yeah looks like it's the same issue as
[BUG]: Nested object in select query · Issue #2050 · drizzle-team/d...
What version of drizzle-orm are you using? 0.29.3 What version of drizzle-kit are you using? 0.20.14 Describe the Bug My code is const feedbacks = await drizzleClient .select({ ...getTableColumns(f...
figured that out by changing the column name to
and getting the same error as that ticket