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Created by schwartzmj on 2/14/2025 in #help
OpenAPI generating nullable type. Additionally Dictionary value set as "any"
public sealed record MyDto {
public required List<MyType> MyList { get; init; }

public Dictionary<int, MyType> MyDictionary =>
x => x.Id,
x => x
public sealed record MyDto {
public required List<MyType> MyList { get; init; }

public Dictionary<int, MyType> MyDictionary =>
x => x.Id,
x => x
There are two issues with this. One is that I cannot make this computed property required because it is computed. Because of this it always shows up as nullable in the OpenApi schema. (Also if it is required it needs to be initialized when creating the record, which I don't want) I cannot add the [Required] attribute because it throws an error if there is no setter. I cannot have a setter because it is computed. The second issue is that it also sets the type as Dictionary<int,any> in the OpenApi schema. I'm hoping that if I can make this "required" it will fix that as well. I'm having this same "nullable" issue with other things like a computed string, not just the dictionary example.
7 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 8/21/2024 in #help
Feedback on nested API
We have entities with slugs: Teams -> Campaigns -> Products As it stands right now, each of those entities has a unique slug. Teams are globally unique, campaigns are a composite key with the team, and products to the campaigns. This ends up being /api/Teams/{teamSlug}/Campaigns/{campaignSlug}/Products/{productSlug} This is of course because the client gets URLs and needs to GET based on the slugs. This makes ALL endpoints complex like this, though. We could just update/delete with some other unique identifier like a GUID, but now our routes are pretty inconsistent. Does anybody have feedback on this? Something that worked well for them in the past? What if we wanted to have a standard GET that involved getting it by the ID as well as the slug?
2 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 8/12/2024 in #help
Catching unique constraint violations and returning the field(s) violating it in a "service" class
I'm working on creating a pretty standard API in .NET Core using EF. I have various fields in my project (e.g. slug) that need to be unique. I'd like to be able to tell the user that the "slug" field is already taken when they try to create/update. I've searched around and found some relatively complex solutions and I'm just wondering if I'm missing something simpler. Is there a general best practice surrounding this that I'm missing? I had some hope that there was something built in to EF Core for this.
36 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by schwartzmj on 5/20/2024 in #pages-help
404 cached in Cloudflare?
I had this issue a while back, but was too busy to reach out and figure out what exactly was going on. Essentially I have a SvelteKit app that may have a file like index.338f2fbe.js We had users reporting that the website was broken for them — after debugging we found that this file was 404ing (amongst 1-2 others) — but only for some users. After a bunch of debugging, my only reasoning was that somewhere down the line, Cloudflare had an issue where this file was unavailable and responded with a 404, then this 404 was cached to our users and their browsers never requested the file again, instead using the cached response. This was tested by finding a random device that had this error and clearing the browser's cache. To solve it for all users, I just changed the project's code so that the hash got changed at build. But I'm wondering what actually happened here and how it can be avoided.
1 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 4/26/2024 in #help
URL Parameters and/or data loading in layout files
Assume I have some pages as such: - /websites/{WebsiteId:int} - /websites/{WebsiteId:int}/faqs - /websites/{WebsiteId:int}/testimonials - /websites/{WebsiteId:int}/services They all use the same layout for navigation, as such:
@using WebsiteBuilder.Components.Layout
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
@layout MainLayout

<div class="container">
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId">Details</a></li>
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId/faqs">FAQs</a></li>
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId/testimonials">Testimonials</a></li>
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId/services">Services</a></li>

@code {
[Parameter] public int WebsiteId { get; set; }
@using WebsiteBuilder.Components.Layout
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
@layout MainLayout

<div class="container">
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId">Details</a></li>
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId/faqs">FAQs</a></li>
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId/testimonials">Testimonials</a></li>
<li><a href="/websites/@WebsiteId/services">Services</a></li>

@code {
[Parameter] public int WebsiteId { get; set; }
How do I get the @WebsiteId URL parameter "passed up" to the Layout or resolved from the URL? Is there anything built in to ASP.NET Core 8 for this?
13 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 4/25/2024 in #❓┊help
Subdomain / Domain based routing w/ Multitenancy. 419 Page Expired
I'm testing out Filament with Spatie's Multitenancy package. The tenant is decided based on the current request's domain or subdomain. If it's a subdomain of the app's TLD then we use the tenant's subdomain, else we use the domain. So far, I'm only testing with subdomains. I'm able to login and get redirected to the proper tenant & subdomain (though I have to login twice for some reason). But, anytime I try to edit a resource I get a Page Expired error. Changing SESSION_DOMAIN from null to localhost or *.localhost appears to cause more of these errors everywhere. Keeping it null only causes errors on form submissions. Any ideas? Am I missing something? Google hasn't been too helpful for me.
12 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 4/16/2024 in #help
Redirect after form POST Blazor Static
Am I not able to have a statically rendered Blazor @code block return a redirect? e.g.:
@code {

private sealed class InputModel
[MaxLength(50)] public string Name { get; set; } = "";
public string Description { get; set; } = "";

[SupplyParameterFromForm] private InputModel Input { get; set; } = new();

public async Task CreateWebsite()
var website = new Website
Name = Input.Name,
Description = Input.Description
await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception e)

@code {

private sealed class InputModel
[MaxLength(50)] public string Name { get; set; } = "";
public string Description { get; set; } = "";

[SupplyParameterFromForm] private InputModel Input { get; set; } = new();

public async Task CreateWebsite()
var website = new Website
Name = Input.Name,
Description = Input.Description
await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception e)

14 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 4/16/2024 in #help
.NET Core `dotnet watch run` on MacOS
For me, dotnet watch run frequently needs to be restarted because it stops seeing changes. Does anybody else have this issue? It happens frequently enough that I'm not sure I can even use it. e.g. I'm getting some .NET error and it won't compile. Restart it and it works. Or trying to debug something and wondering why it isn't working — turns out the code is actually correct and .NET just needed to be restarted because it isn't seeing my changes.
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by schwartzmj on 4/10/2024 in #general-help
Bypassing bot protection
I'm writing a CLI tool that crawls websites we make to check for broken links and other items. Naturally, Cloudflare sees this traffic, considers it a bot and blocks it after a few requests (usually). Can I bypass this protection with a header and API key or something along those lines? I'd prefer not having to allow an IP because I want the tooling to work wherever I am.
9 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 4/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Media Picker field type
I'm currently using Spatie's laravel-medialibrary package. I was wondering if there are any field types where you can also choose an image from previously uploaded images instead of always uploading a new one.
5 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 3/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom Field CSS
If I want to make one or two one-off custom fields, and I want to write my own Tailwind in the blade file, how do I get that CSS into filament? Do I have to make a theme?
3 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 3/13/2024 in #❓┊help
Blade components outside of Filament
Am I not able to do something like <x-filament::button>Test</x-filament::button> in my Laravel app (and not in Filament)? Are there styles I need to require?
3 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/21/2024 in #❓┊help
Does Filament play well with laravel-data?
I'm looking at creating a form that doesn't tie directly to an Eloquent model. Instead, when the form is validated and submitted I manually create model(s). I considered using laravel-data as the "model" for a Filament form for this. Is that a good path to take?
4 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/19/2024 in #❓┊help
Refresh parent on relationship manager update
Is there an easy way to refresh the parent model's data whenever something in the relationship manager happens? e.g. I have an "Order" model with "LineItems" and i need to update the Order Total when I delete or change a line item
6 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Reordering repeater items Am I going crazy? Isn't there a way to tell it what column the "order" should save to?
12 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/14/2024 in #❓┊help
Can’t get Pivot table logic to work
I have a pretty straightforward use case, but the implementation in Filament is throwing me for a loop. Imagine Products that have many Options that in turn have many values (Size w/ SM, MD, LG and Color w/ Red, Blue). This part is straightfoward. The user creates Options and in turn the values. Now the user needs to create a ProductVariant. They need to select one of each ProductOptionValue (e.g SM & Red), but should not be able to select e.g. SM & LG. In other words, they have to select one option from each. I've tried so many things I'm not sure if it's even worth pasting it all in here as it has become a mess, but nothing seems to be working. Am I better off just creating a custom page, form, or field type?
1 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/14/2024 in #❓┊help
Very stuck on BelongsToMany / Pivot table with a restriction
I have a pretty straightforward use case, but the implementation in Filament is throwing me for a loop. Imagine Products that have many Options that in turn have many values (Size w/ SM, MD, LG and Color w/ Red, Blue). This part is straightfoward. The user creates Options and in turn the values. Now the user needs to create a ProductVariant. They need to select one of each ProductOptionValue (e.g SM & Red), but should not be able to select e.g. SM & LG. In other words, they have to select one option from each. I've tried so many things I'm not sure if it's even worth pasting it all in here as it has become a mess, but nothing seems to be working. Am I better off just creating a custom page, form, or field type?
1 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/13/2024 in #❓┊help
"Saving data to a BelongsTo relationship" nullable foreign key workaround
Regarding Is there any way around this? I'd prefer not to make my foreign keys nullable. Could I create a custom Livewire component or page for creating a new resource? I could then handle the logic in there (create parent, attach relation).
2 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 2/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Pre-populating form and saving to pivot
4 tables and one pivot table: Products, Product_Options, Product_Option_Values, and Product_Variants. The pivot table essentially just joins the 3 latter tables with unique constraints. I've made a custom pivot model for this and the relationship for the variant is selectedOptions which you'll see below. The user creates a product, then creates its "Product Options" with available "Values". For example, Size: SM, MD, LG and Color: Red, Blue This works fine. The issue I'm encountering is when the user goes to create a new Product Variant (via a relation manage on the Product), I want to loop through all available Product Options and have them select a Value. I've tried a number of things but none of it seems to be working correctly. This is the gist of one route I went:
2 replies
Created by schwartzmj on 1/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Confirmation on my approach for nested resources
I have two models, Fundraiser and Product. Fundraisers have Products. On a Fundraiser page, I want to list all products. Clicking one should go to e.g. fundraisers/6/products/2 and have breadcrumbs to go "back" to the fundraiser. It sounds like I have to create a RelationManager (to get the table on the fundraiser page), then also create a Relation Page (for the page), then customize the actions on the RelationManager table to link to the Relation Page. Is that accurate or am I missing something else? I don't want modals for this Product relation. These products are going to have their own nested relation (Variants, etc) and that sounds messy / not ideal.
3 replies