Pre-populating form and saving to pivot

4 tables and one pivot table: Products, Product_Options, Product_Option_Values, and Product_Variants. The pivot table essentially just joins the 3 latter tables with unique constraints. I've made a custom pivot model for this and the relationship for the variant is selectedOptions which you'll see below. The user creates a product, then creates its "Product Options" with available "Values". For example, Size: SM, MD, LG and Color: Red, Blue This works fine. The issue I'm encountering is when the user goes to create a new Product Variant (via a relation manage on the Product), I want to loop through all available Product Options and have them select a Value. I've tried a number of things but none of it seems to be working correctly. This is the gist of one route I went:
1 Reply
schwartzmjOP13mo ago
...$this->getOwnerRecord()->productOptions()->get()->map(function ($productOption) {
return [
->relationship('productOptionValue', 'value')
->options($productOption->productOptionValues->pluck('value', 'id')->toArray())
->relationship('productOption', 'name')
->options([$productOption->id => $productOption->name])
...$this->getOwnerRecord()->productOptions()->get()->map(function ($productOption) {
return [
->relationship('productOptionValue', 'value')
->options($productOption->productOptionValues->pluck('value', 'id')->toArray())
->relationship('productOption', 'name')
->options([$productOption->id => $productOption->name])
My example is a bit messy but I'm throwing things at the wall here to see what sticks. Hoping somebody can help point me in the right direction.

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