NB 😈 | Nightly 🦊
NB 😈 | Nightly 🦊
Created by NB 😈 | Nightly 🦊 on 8/24/2023 in #support
reactiveMap does not work with size/delete
I have noticed that reactiveMap does not trigger update on delete or when we "subscribe" using size or forEach method. Most confusing for me is delete since if i use has i expect that update will trigger signal, but this is not the case. Is it expected behaviour ?
2 replies
Created by NB 😈 | Nightly 🦊 on 8/18/2023 in #support
ReactiveMap global signal
Reactive map that i use does not triger updated when i do operations like forEach is there way to make it still work like signal ?
7 replies
Created by NB 😈 | Nightly 🦊 on 8/2/2023 in #support
Debounce selector
How to make createMemo only refresh max once a second no matter how many signals are inside
const data = createMemo(() => {
// compute heavy stuff multiple signals
const data = createMemo(() => {
// compute heavy stuff multiple signals
12 replies