Uploading images in Production
It's possible that there is a permission issue in the folders. You could try this solution to see if it resolves the problem.
4 replies
Class "NumberFormatter" not found
Its look like extension issue, depending of your VPS O.S there are many ways to add extension.
In Ubuntu 20.04, I use the following command:
sudo apt-get install php8.3-intl
replace 8.3 with your PHP version
and restart you server
6 replies
conditional configureusing
Thank you leandro. This makes sense, but it doesn't work as expected because the reset password view only has a regular text input.
protected function getEmailFormComponent(): Component { return TextInput::make('email') ->label(__('filament-panels::pages/auth/password-reset/reset-password.form.email.label')) ->disabled() ->autofocus(); }
6 replies
Duration / Time Span input
I was thinking in two fields, one for hour and other to minutes, and the final value will be the hour * 60 + minutes, I know how to do it in react, but in livewire and filament no, other problem will be the return value to fill it.
6 replies
For add resources inside the nav group you can set navigation group string inside the resource https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/navigation#grouping-navigation-items-under-other-items
9 replies
You can pass ->collapsed(), but do you need to declare the groups on panel configs https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/navigation#customizing-navigation-groups
9 replies
Sorry this might be dumb, but how can I extend a method that returns a component with additional...
🤔 the docs says exactly what you did https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/fields/getting-started#adding-extra-html-attributes
13 replies
1 resource with 2 ManageRecord is possible ?
Based in documentation, I tried:
public static function getPages(): array
return [
'index' => Pages\ManageContasPagar::route('/pagar'),
'index-receber' => Pages\ManageContasReceber::route('/receber'),
public static function getRecordSubNavigation(Page $page): array
return $page->generateNavigationItems([
the routes exits, but any new page at navigation menu
3 replies