Filament14mo ago

Apply filament tab query filter to table on custom ViewRecord page

I have built a custom filament resource page (View type). I have added a separate table which get's its data using an api via sushi. I'm able to display the table and the tabs, but when I click on the tabs for filtering, it just refreshes the table, rather the applying the query. What I want is very similar to the filament's demo order page. orders
class ViewReport extends ViewRecord implements HasInfolists, HasTable, HasForms
use InteractsWithRecord;
use InteractsWithTable;
use ExposesTableToWidgets;
use HasTabs;

protected static string $resource = PortalsResource::class;
#[Url] public ?string $activeTab = null;

private static array $reportClasses = [
1 => FirstReport::class,
2 => SecondReport::class

public function table(Table $table): Table
$query = static::$reportClasses[$this->record->id]::query();
return $table
public function getTabs(): array
return [
null => Tab::make('All'),
'prepaid' => Tab::make()->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('isPrepaid', 1))
class ViewReport extends ViewRecord implements HasInfolists, HasTable, HasForms
use InteractsWithRecord;
use InteractsWithTable;
use ExposesTableToWidgets;
use HasTabs;

protected static string $resource = PortalsResource::class;
#[Url] public ?string $activeTab = null;

private static array $reportClasses = [
1 => FirstReport::class,
2 => SecondReport::class

public function table(Table $table): Table
$query = static::$reportClasses[$this->record->id]::query();
return $table
public function getTabs(): array
return [
null => Tab::make('All'),
'prepaid' => Tab::make()->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('isPrepaid', 1))
My view file
// view_report.blade.php
<div class="flex flex-col gap-y-6">
<x-filament-panels::resources.tabs />
{{ $this->table }}
// view_report.blade.php
<div class="flex flex-col gap-y-6">
<x-filament-panels::resources.tabs />
{{ $this->table }}
2 Replies
ArrowOP14mo ago
If I add the following code to the start of table method. I do get the filtering done when a page is refreshed but not when livewire makes a request, as the value for $this->activeTab is still the same from the previous request.
public function table(Table $table): Table
switch ($this->activeTab) {
case 'unpaid':
$query = $query->where('isPrepaid', '=', 0)->where('balance', '>', 0);

case 'paid':
$query = $query->where('isPrepaid', '=', 0)->where('balance', '<=', 0);
case 'prepaid':
$query = $query->where('isPrepaid', '=', 1);
public function table(Table $table): Table
switch ($this->activeTab) {
case 'unpaid':
$query = $query->where('isPrepaid', '=', 0)->where('balance', '>', 0);

case 'paid':
$query = $query->where('isPrepaid', '=', 0)->where('balance', '<=', 0);
case 'prepaid':
$query = $query->where('isPrepaid', '=', 1);
Igor14mo ago
I'm with the same need, There are some columns that I want to hide depending of active tab

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