Installing modules/Plugin during Runtime
Hello i hope you're having a good day.
Hello, this is mostly theoretical, i think it's mostly architectural but i'm not sure if it's feasible so bear with me.
So at work we have a white label application which we serve to multiple customers. And depending on the customer it has different skins for example
www.ourapp-cocacola.com will get coca cola skin etc etc ( Styling comes from information from backend)
Each page has 5 "menus" ( not sure how to call them )
Example naming
-) Buy
-) Rent
-) Sell
So next step is having specific features per customer for example. The user navigates to the Buy page. Somewhere on the page there's a "Buy Item" button.
Depending on the customer this button will navigate the user to a new page tailored to the customer needs. This page has to come from a "module" ( maybe a nuxt 3 module but what i want to say is from an outside source) or a plugin which will not be a part of the main application and will be installed/selected, during runtime.
The end goal is to provide features depending on the customer but we dont want to redeploy the app every time a new feature is added. But somehow have an outside source provide the page to the 5 of our pages.
So any thoughts on this? Is this feasible? Thank you for your time
5 replies
Dynamic v-model with component :is
Hello i have this use case in my mind.
Let's assume i have a list of components like this ( For context this is a modal with customer info reviews, product bought etc)
And use component :is like this
What i have in mind is if it would be possible to make the v-model key dynamic depending on the component for example after refactoring the componentMap
Atm i have all the v-models which it works but idk if it is the best approach
5 replies
Get the list of modules on runtime
This is going to be a newbie question, but is it possible ( from client or server side) to get the list of used modules ( from inside nuxtConfig )? I think i know the answer that it's only available during build time.
I tried in server using useRuntimeConfig()
tried useNuxtApp() in client side
Both to no avail.
Is there an alternative?
5 replies
Building a custom made nuxt 3 module
Hello people have a quick question which i'm not sure about and dont even know how to check.
I'm trying to build a custom nuxt 3 module using this guide
On how to build guide it references
*While building your module can be useful in some cases, most of the time you won't need to build it on your own: the playground takes care of it while developing, and the release script also has you covered when publishing.
The case is that i'm not publishing to npm and i want to use the module only for my own project. However when i deploy the main app ( with the module inside ) it seems everything works fine. So does that mean nuxt does that on it's own when building the main app or do i have to add a command to build the module before using?
5 replies
Incorrect values calling getClientBoundingRect() on mounted
Hello people hope you're having a good day
Basically i have a page and a component, in that component i want to get the position of 4 items and use them in the page to place an svg and connect these items
In the component i have a defineModel to store the values like this
And on the main page
However at first i noticed that my elements were misplaced however after a hot reload (adding a console.log) they had a different position
From what i read it's because onMounted stores the values before DOM has finished loading so i tried using nextTIck like this on the onMounted hook but still no difference
onUpdated works however it causes an infinite loop so no bueno.. So how do i fix this issue ?
1 replies
Nuxt proxy console log url
Hello, i''m using nuxt-proxy module to proxy some urls from my main app
I did some changes to the nuxt config app.baseURL i also have i18n installed and changed the stragety of it from "prefix" to "no_prefix"
( Example of changes below )
The old pages folder was
And now
So basically the request comes from the same url
localhost:3000/apple/thirteen/en/auth/secretStuffHere but for some reason i seem to get back an html response from my service instead of a json ( saddly i dont have access to the logs of the service which would make my life easier)
These are my proxy options
Is it possible to have any kind of console.log inside of the proxy to see which url is being proxied to ? I tried this as mentioned in the docs but it seems to have no effect
1 replies
In ssr and target = static is it possible to catch a 404 error before it happens?
Hello people, for context i have a static generate sites with ssr enabled also i have an error.vue in the root of the project, Sadly the site is uploaded using nginx and i cannot change the config, if a user navigates to a link which doesnt exists for example /derp, could it be possible to catch the error before it happens and redirect him to the /error page instead of nginx error page?
At the moment i tried using hooks in the config
Which makes the prerenderer fail ( Error: [500] )
Tried using the error handler plugin
And ye... Is it possible to do something like that?
1 replies