Unable to build app
PID: d310f282-af2d-4403-87ad-1b51a7b0a761
User: Pillarofcats
Github Repo: https://github.com/Pillarofcats/mern_fullstack_restaurant_reviews
I use vite now for react applications, but this was done with create-react-app. If a solution can be found refactoring with with vite I can do so.
Execution desc:
build react app production files -> serve production files through nodejs
Execution local cmds:
npm run build && (cd backend && npm start)
I have been stuck for a while reading through the nixpacks.toml documentation and the railway docs pertaining to monorepos, start, and build configurations. I am fairly new to the configurations and implementing them.
My project works on my local environment, but fails to deploy with a build log of: Nixpacks was unable to generate a build plan for this app.
Latest configuration attempt:
Root Dir: /frontend
Build Cmd: npm run build (build react production files for nodejs to serve)
Start Cmd: npm run start:backend (start nodejs server from backend folder)
Thank you for your time
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