App does not honor boundary
Call this in the oculus section of the PassthroughManager class after everything and it should be fine, no need to re-enable as boundary should come back online when it realises Passthrough isn’t active anymore
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App does not honor boundary
Yeah sorry nerded out a little! Shouldn’t be too hard to fix, thanks for bringing it to our attention 🙂
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App does not honor boundary
yep! and we couldn't figure out why oculus did work. well, i figured it out 😄 but we're getting offtopic haha
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App does not honor boundary
I figured out the missing bit from reading the spec
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App does not honor boundary
oh it's fantastic for figuring out what the heck these companies are doing 😆 not sure if you saw that I figured out the passthrough brushes thing (tl;dr waiting on unity's composition layers package)
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App does not honor boundary
the big doc that tells you how to code against OpenXR https://registry.khronos.org/OpenXR/
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App does not honor boundary
Not in registry yet but it's XR_META_boundary_visibility
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App does not honor boundary
then work out the equivalent OpenXR call 😉
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App does not honor boundary
yep, give it a shot!
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App does not honor boundary
It was my assumption too, so i think they changed something :/
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Add Support for Playstation VR2 Sense Controllers
Great to hear and thanks a lot for reporting back! Enjoy the program 🙂
8 replies
App does not honor boundary
I wonder if that’s what meta means when they say ‘don’t use Stage mode’ @andybak - rather than falling back, they just make it completely unsafe 😒
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