Concurrent connections time out above 20 connections
I agree. Im just not sure why the scaling I have implemented in my server has not impacted my own instance testing.
I get the same result 1gb ram 1cpu as I do on 3gb ram, 3cpu.
In reality any more then 10 cuncurrent requests I go from a 900ms response to 3-4 seconds. Any more then 30 councurrent requests I go upto 8-10 seconds.
Beyond 100 you can see is as high as 11 seconds and it often crashes the server
31 replies
Concurrent connections time out above 20 connections
That doesn't really help me load test my own instance simulating my users. That endpoint is a very simple json response. Our page makes multiple database calls and loads dozens of images.
Is there a better way to
A. Test the server configuration will handle our concurrent users. Can be as high as 3000 - 5000 depending on events
B. Simulate this to estimate monthly cost averages compaired to other platforms
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