Creating a Staging Environment
I am trying to set up a development flow where I make changes in my dev environment, merge to staging, and then once everything is correct there I merge to production. Basically the staging environment is there so that I can verify that any django migrations can be correctly applied to the production database. Is there a way to reference the db in production instead of using the empty db in staging? Is this even the right way to go about this?
5 replies
Hosting Django backend and React frontend from the same Domain
I have two services, one for my backend and one for my frontend. They currently have two separate domains. I've been having some headache handling things like http only cookies so far... So, after doing some research (googling) I see that some people use NGINX to route requests to either the backend or frontend, and it all works under the same domain. Does anyone have advice for accomplishing this? Not sure if this is more work than dealing with the separate frontend/backend domains. Any advice is much appreciated 🙂
57 replies
Any suggestions for hosting a single repo with separate backend/frontend folders?
I have previously created a small personal project where I had the frontend (react) and backend (django) in two separate repo's. This made it easier to push to Railway in the past. However, for a new project I am about to start I would like to have both frontend/backend in the same repo so I don't have to worry about one of the repo's failing to push while the other succeeds. Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
3 replies
Alternative to gunicorn for an asgi django app
Hey everyone, I am attempting to host a personal project I have been working on to learn Django/Websockets. I am using Django Channels. I have run into quite a few issues with hosting the app on railway and currently it seems to be that I am trying to host an asgi application where as most of the hosting tutorials I have looked at have been using a wsgi application. Does anyone have any advice for hosting an asgi application and what to use instead of gunicorn? I am a bit confused as to what gunicorn actually does to be honest.
Any help or info would be much appreciated 🙂
33 replies