Explore posts from serversHow to define per route staleTime on queryClient?
This is correct, but lets say I have 2 components that call the same API route on the same page. Use query will de-dupe this using the queryKey, however its indeterminate which is will take on as the staleTime. I would rather just declare the staleTime once on the procedure and then not have to make sure all my staleTimes are the same for each useQuery hook using the API.
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DTDrizzle Team
•Created by NotZelda on 12/3/2024 in #help
How to dynamically select all columns from one table, and join a single column from another table?
This would only put it in a key labelled the same way as the table. My hope is to be able to return a new combject with some properties combines instead of nested. This can be achieved by labelling each key manually, but no automatic way.
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