How to dynamically select all columns from one table, and join a single column from another table?

Its pretty often that I need to grab some details from a relational table and add it in to my original query. However, when I do this, I then need to explicitly call out all columns on the original table, and compose in my values from the join table. This can become tedious when I have many columns or when a column is added on the original table. I was hoping I might be able to spread out my reference to the PgTable and just add in one other key for the other table, but this isn't a valid query. Wrong
const existingReport = await db
templateName: fileUpload.originalFileName,
.leftJoin(fileUpload, eq(reports.linkedFileID,;
const existingReport = await db
templateName: fileUpload.originalFileName,
.leftJoin(fileUpload, eq(reports.linkedFileID,;
const existingDetails = await db
linkedFileID: reports.linkedFileID,
effectiveDate: reports.effectiveDate,
uploadedBy: reports.uploadedBy,
lastUpdated: reports.lastUpdated,
createdOn: reports.createdOn,
nextRelease: reports.nextRelease,
templateName: fileUpload.originalFileName,
.where(eq(, reportName))
.leftJoin(fileUpload, eq(reportDetails.template,;
const existingDetails = await db
linkedFileID: reports.linkedFileID,
effectiveDate: reports.effectiveDate,
uploadedBy: reports.uploadedBy,
lastUpdated: reports.lastUpdated,
createdOn: reports.createdOn,
nextRelease: reports.nextRelease,
templateName: fileUpload.originalFileName,
.where(eq(, reportName))
.leftJoin(fileUpload, eq(reportDetails.template,;
I am almost certain I am missing something here to be able to generate my select from the table schema itself. Does anyone know what the proper methods are to achieve this?
2 Replies
F1x3mo ago
just specify the table don't spread it so reports: reportsTable or whatever u call it
NotZeldaOP3mo ago
This would only put it in a key labelled the same way as the table. My hope is to be able to return a new combject with some properties combines instead of nested. This can be achieved by labelling each key manually, but no automatic way.

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