Hitarth Sheth
Changes are not updated in real time and app breaks
Hey @charles I tried increasing the memory usage it fixed the server breaking problem. But, when the code changes it is not reflected in the browser.
It's the same issue as @Anchit1909
And @Rick⚡ (https://discord.com/channels/1130383047699738754/1130386664812982322/threads/1293295960038052030)
19 replies
Help need for Raycast extension
Hey @bob
Thanks for your comment. I completely understand. If I message someone on a weekend I am not expecting them to reply at all.
The PR you linked to doesn't complete the given quest of creating a record to any object from Raycast.
Would you recommend creating a PR?
14 replies
Help need for Raycast extension
@charles check out here: https://github.com/Hitarthsheth07/Raycast-twenty
14 replies