DHDistant Horizons
Created by ZOMBIE on 6/9/2024 in #help-me
Singleplayer world crashes with DH installed (MC 1.20.1 / Forge / Oculus)
Summary: Any existing or new singleplayer world with DH installed will not load and just crashes on world gen. It gets to ~0-1% (im assuming the very beginning of world generation), then it crashes and produces a crash-server crash report. Ive confirmed that my pack works just fine without DH installed and ive been able to generate SP worlds previously and test the other mods, etc. I waited for this new DH version to come out and use that, however, that is producing the same results (even after enabling/disabling generation in DH settings). I have a very good PC, 16GB of RAM dedicated to the pack with 32GB total, and shaders are disabled. I have only seen 1 post similar to this error, but that was on fabric and only had a few mods in common. The only things i could think of are a mod compatibility problem (maybe some from the other similar post?) or maybe needing to update to new forge version 47.3.0+ (pretty sure new DH version does not have restrictions on forge versions). All other info below, full crash report and logs attached. Mode: Singleplayer Shaders: Disabled (Oculus is installed) MC Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.2.32 (Maybe update to 47.3.0+ ?) Oculus Version: 1.20.1-1.7.0 (Equivalent to Iris 1.7.0 which are both compatible) Error Message (Short): Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to get repo with connection string [jdbc:sqlite:C:\Users\justi\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\Zombcraft Everdawn\saves\TestingDH\data/DistantHorizons.sqlite] at com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.file.fullDatafile.FullDataSourceProviderV2.createRepo(FullDataSourceProviderV2.java:150) ~[DistantHorizons-2.1.0-a-1.20.1.jar%23925!/:?] {re:classloading}
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