DTDrizzle Team
Created by juan on 12/12/2024 in #help
Too many nested objs on many-to-many relations
I get an object like
"id": "43119ea8-a293-4c89-aaba-4d699f89e34f",
"model": "3",
"brand": "Firulo",
"manufacturer": "Carlitos",
"homologations": [
"homologation": {
"id": "8fff866b-055a-406e-9c61-9e842c5a0a2e",
"name": "una homologación cualquiera",
"countries": [
"country": {
"id": "ar",
"name": "Argentina"
"country": {
"id": "us",
"name": "United States"
"id": "4a386002-274b-4e15-8ed9-7ac3aaabe178",
"model": "Coso®",
"brand": "El blanco",
"manufacturer": "Juan",
"homologations": [
"homologation": {
"id": "8fff866b-055a-406e-9c61-9e842c5a0a2e",
"name": "una homologación cualquiera",
"countries": [
"country": {
"id": "ar",
"name": "Argentina"
"country": {
"id": "us",
"name": "United States"
"id": "43119ea8-a293-4c89-aaba-4d699f89e34f",
"model": "3",
"brand": "Firulo",
"manufacturer": "Carlitos",
"homologations": [
"homologation": {
"id": "8fff866b-055a-406e-9c61-9e842c5a0a2e",
"name": "una homologación cualquiera",
"countries": [
"country": {
"id": "ar",
"name": "Argentina"
"country": {
"id": "us",
"name": "United States"
"id": "4a386002-274b-4e15-8ed9-7ac3aaabe178",
"model": "Coso®",
"brand": "El blanco",
"manufacturer": "Juan",
"homologations": [
"homologation": {
"id": "8fff866b-055a-406e-9c61-9e842c5a0a2e",
"name": "una homologación cualquiera",
"countries": [
"country": {
"id": "ar",
"name": "Argentina"
"country": {
"id": "us",
"name": "United States"
Would it be possible to remove the keys homologations, countries, etc? query https://pastebin.com/XWF0C1aY
2 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by juan on 12/3/2024 in #help
All other relations drop when creating a new one
export const homologationSchemas = createTable(
id: serialUuid(),
schema: jsonb().$type<AnyStateSchema>().notNull(),
name: varchar().notNull(),
description: text()
(hs) => ({
schema_index: index("schema_idx").on(hs.schema),

export const homologations = createTable(
id: serialUuid(),
name: varchar().notNull(),
productId: uuid("product_id"),
stateSchemaId: uuid("state_schema_id").notNull(),
(h) => ({
state_index: index("state_idx").on(h.state),

export const products = createTable(
id: serialUuid(),

name: varchar().notNull(),

export const homologationSchemaRelation = relations(homologations, ({ one }) => ({
stateSchema: one(homologationSchemas, {
fields: [homologations.stateSchemaId],
references: [homologationSchemas.id]

// When I created this relation, the relation above just stops working (vscode doesn't show the property `product`, but it returns the data)
export const homologationProductRelation = relations(homologations, ({ one }) => ({
product: one(products, {
fields: [homologations.productId],
references: [products.id],
relationName: "relationname"

// idk
export const productHomologationsRelation = relations(products, ({ many }) => ({
homologations: many(homologations, { relationName: "relationname" })
export const homologationSchemas = createTable(
id: serialUuid(),
schema: jsonb().$type<AnyStateSchema>().notNull(),
name: varchar().notNull(),
description: text()
(hs) => ({
schema_index: index("schema_idx").on(hs.schema),

export const homologations = createTable(
id: serialUuid(),
name: varchar().notNull(),
productId: uuid("product_id"),
stateSchemaId: uuid("state_schema_id").notNull(),
(h) => ({
state_index: index("state_idx").on(h.state),

export const products = createTable(
id: serialUuid(),

name: varchar().notNull(),

export const homologationSchemaRelation = relations(homologations, ({ one }) => ({
stateSchema: one(homologationSchemas, {
fields: [homologations.stateSchemaId],
references: [homologationSchemas.id]

// When I created this relation, the relation above just stops working (vscode doesn't show the property `product`, but it returns the data)
export const homologationProductRelation = relations(homologations, ({ one }) => ({
product: one(products, {
fields: [homologations.productId],
references: [products.id],
relationName: "relationname"

// idk
export const productHomologationsRelation = relations(products, ({ many }) => ({
homologations: many(homologations, { relationName: "relationname" })
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by juan on 11/5/2024 in #help
Self-referencing many to many relation
I've been trying to point some interfaces to similar interfaces using the following code:
export const interfaces = createTable(
id: varchar().notNull().primaryKey(),
name: varchar().notNull(),
type: interfacesTypesEnum().notNull(),
frequency: varchar().notNull(),

export const interfacesInterfaces = createTable(
interfaceId: varchar("interface_id")
.references(() => interfaces.id),
similarId: varchar("similar_id")
.references(() => interfaces.id),
(t) => ({
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [t.interfaceId, t.similarId] }),

export const interfacesInterfacesRelation = relations(interfacesInterfaces, ({ one }) => ({
asd: one(interfaces, {
fields: [interfacesInterfaces.interfaceId],
references: [interfaces.id],
relationName: "1"
similar: one(interfaces, {
fields: [interfacesInterfaces.similarId],
references: [interfaces.id],
relationName: "2"

export const interfaceInterfacesRelation = relations(interfaces, ({ many }) => ({
similarInterfaces: many(interfacesInterfaces, { relationName: "1" }),
export const interfaces = createTable(
id: varchar().notNull().primaryKey(),
name: varchar().notNull(),
type: interfacesTypesEnum().notNull(),
frequency: varchar().notNull(),

export const interfacesInterfaces = createTable(
interfaceId: varchar("interface_id")
.references(() => interfaces.id),
similarId: varchar("similar_id")
.references(() => interfaces.id),
(t) => ({
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [t.interfaceId, t.similarId] }),

export const interfacesInterfacesRelation = relations(interfacesInterfaces, ({ one }) => ({
asd: one(interfaces, {
fields: [interfacesInterfaces.interfaceId],
references: [interfaces.id],
relationName: "1"
similar: one(interfaces, {
fields: [interfacesInterfaces.similarId],
references: [interfaces.id],
relationName: "2"

export const interfaceInterfacesRelation = relations(interfaces, ({ many }) => ({
similarInterfaces: many(interfacesInterfaces, { relationName: "1" }),
But I can't get the relation property to show up on the querying side
3 replies