SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/19/2025 in #questions
Setting up Kip for different devices
I tried that. Still didn't sink in but I think I have got it now.
6 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/19/2025 in #questions
Setting up Kip for different devices
I can't quite get the global/user scope idea. But I think I am getting there. I have to log in as a specific user, set up my layout and that then gets saved as "default"? In other words one is only ever viewing the "default" configuration and if you save different layouts you have to copy them to "default"? Increasingly I am finding that my brain works very differently to most other people on this planet.
6 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/18/2025 in #questions
Trying to us GPIO in Node Red on Pi 5 has trashed my signalk
ok. node-red-contrib-libgpiod installed and it seems to work,
5 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/18/2025 in #questions
Trying to us GPIO in Node Red on Pi 5 has trashed my signalk
Well it seems I have to re-install nodejs again to get everyting back. As for GPIO in node red on a Pi 5 . Not sure yet. This is quite hard!
5 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/18/2025 in #questions
Trying to us GPIO in Node Red on Pi 5 has trashed my signalk
And I suppose a follow up question is how has this trashed SignalK?
5 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
OK. So it was fairly straight forward by removing the newer version:
sudo apt remove nodejs
And then going through the setup instructions as linked from the signalk Pi setup page. Node red is loading now with v20.18.1. Thank you.
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
OK. Um.. I guess I can look that up, unless you happen to know how?
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
So do I need to install a different version of nodejs? I don't remember doing anything unusual.
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
Or do I mean appstore?
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
I think this is what got installed when I installed it through the plugin page in signalk
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
node -v
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
The installed version of node (v23.6.0) is different than the recommended version (18 - 20). See https://github.com/SignalK/signalk-server/wiki/Installing-and-Updating-Node.js for more information how to upgrade.
(node:3576) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The
module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use node --trace-deprecation ...
to show where the warning was created)
signalk-server running at
TypeError: util.log is not a function
at LogHandler.consoleLogger [as handler] (/home/pi/.signalk/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/log.js:94:18)
at LogHandler.<anonymous> (/home/pi/.signalk/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/log.js:66:18)
at LogHandler.emit (node:events:507:28)
at /home/pi/.signalk/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/log.js:160:21
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.log (/home/pi/.signalk/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/log.js:159:21)
at Object.info (/home/pi/.signalk/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/log.js:169:13)
at /home/pi/.signalk/node_modules/@node-red/runtime/lib/index.js:150:1720 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
On the Pi I think it is in journalctl but it is the same as when I run signalk-server from the command line (or similar, anyway.) there is some node rud stuff when I run it:
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/17/2025 in #questions
Node red not loading
I have been trying that and I get the same thing, just spinning loading.
I have been trying to go from my Win11 machine and to localhost on the Pi. The only thing I can see in journalctl is this: "TypeError: util.log is not a function" but I don't know if it is relevant or even how to log/debug it.
20 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 11/16/2024 in #questions
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
The 433Mhz route can also work on a Pi Pico with PIO handling the Seatalk input/output if you want to go really, really cheap. Less than £20 if you already own a soldering iron.
15 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 11/16/2024 in #questions
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
15 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 11/16/2024 in #questions
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
15 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 11/16/2024 in #questions
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
I have left my zero in the corner chuntering away, but I think I will interrupt it and increase the swap size and try again. However I just put the sd card from my other Pi Zero 2 into my Pi 4 to set up Signalk, which took about 5 minutes and now it is back in the Zero and is working fine. I actually use a Pi 5 as a full plotter on my boat but I think this would be great just running signalK. If I had OpenCPN on some separate plotter device (Android/Navionics) I think this would easily handle the Seatalk in and out + nmea to the auto helm. I made a "hat" to handle the IO including a 433MHz receiver so I can steer from the foredeck with a cheap garage key fob. Probably less than £50.00 and a lot less than a miniplex, which doesn't do direct Seatalk autopilot control.
15 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 11/16/2024 in #questions
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
I thought about doing it on a Pi4, but I have set it off installing in a corner now. I wish I had thought about the swap bforehand, but I think I'll leave it for a couple of days and see what happens. I tried the docker route. It worked but I couldn't get it to persist between reboots, even though it is supposed to. Once running in docker, however, it seemed to run pretty well with my minimal tests simulating Seatalk and nmea/AIS data. KIP was fine on my phone and laptop It's just an experiment but things like the Shipmodul miniplex are quite pricey these days so for a hobbyist it is quite an interestingly cheap option maybe?
15 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 11/16/2024 in #questions
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
Ah. OK. I'll try again and leave it in a cupboard. It looked like I was never going to get there.
15 replies