✅ Disposing dbContext with dependency injection
@becquerel @Klarth thank you for your input! I'll use the factory then.
Btw. by
await using
you mean invoking CreateDbContextAsync?
@Klarth in you example, you've used .ConfigureAsync(false) because there was no need to keep that in UI thread, or did you have any other reasons?28 replies
ASP.NET Core (backend) + Avalonia UI (desktop frontend), this one? 🙂
24 replies
ASP.NET Core (backend) + Avalonia UI (desktop frontend)
intel i3 7th gen and 8gb of ram, thats why I chose C# because my thinking is that if I try to create a web app is that I'd be working with the chromium engine which is slow (please correct me on this)Do you mean that on such hardware modern browser won't work? I don't know but could be the case, although you may check firefox/chrome requirements. You can make backend api in whatever works on that hardware (maybe Java Spring which you've mentioned are ok with that or ASP.NET or nodeJS) and then front in Avalonia or maybe something else. You've mentioned that you understand Java and your mates C# - is there any technology you all have in common? As delivering a project and learning new language on the same time may be difficult.
24 replies
✅ Design of events
Thanks, now I get your point. I think I'll try to use strongly typed param in handler definition, unless some framework force me to use
. But I may of course change my opinion after having some more practice 😉 Good talk, thank you, I'm closing the topic now. See you! 🙂35 replies
✅ Design of events
@canton7 You've written:
Obviously if you subscribe to TextBox.TextChanged you expect the sender parameter to be an instance of TextChanged. You're not going to get some other control raising that event and inserting itself as the sender parameter. But sometimes you have a list of 20 textboxes, and you want to do something when the text changes in any of them, and you don't want to define 20 handlers. So you define a single handler, and you use that sender parameter to interact with the specific textbox which raised the eventI've assumed that you meant using
object sender
instead of e.g. TextBox.TextChanged sender
make that (interaction without having 20 handlers) possible. I thought the latter makes it possible too (and the type in handler parameter precise kind of sender you are dealing with).35 replies
✅ Design of events
@canton7 Not sure I understood you, as I mean typing instead of
object sender
, TextBox sender
(or smth like that).
But anyway, I'm now playing around a bit with Avalonia UI and its events, which may give me more insight, then I may "feel" more what you have writtten.
Thank you both @ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and @canton7
Btw. It's my first post in this channel, should I mark it as "answered" or smth like that?35 replies