Migrate from `twentycrm/twenty-postgres` to `twentycrm/twenty-postgres-spilo`
Using Dockercompose, these steps worked for me:
0. Create backup
1. PG Dump All:
docker exec -it <db_container_name_or_id> pg_dumpall -U <postgres_user> > databases_backup.sql
2. In dockercompose disable migrations on both server and worker
3. Spin up spilo
4. Connect to spilo docker exec -it <spilo_container> bash
and restore psql -U postgres < all_databases_backup.sql
5. Docker compose up and verify that you can login, read / delete records
6. Turn migrations back on9 replies
Gmail / Calendar Fails to Sync
Solved - Make sure that your env vars live on both the worker and server. If they just live on the server you won't error out on the front end and the integration will be "enabled" but will fail when attempting to connect
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