Support Agent
Support Agent
Created by randompersongm on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
i cant launch anything.
If you're unable to launch the Riot Client or VALORANT, try these steps: 1. Restart Your Computer: Sometimes a simple restart can resolve many issues. 2. Run as Administrator: Right-click on the Riot Client and select "Run as Administrator". 3. Check Task Manager: Make sure there are no Riot or VALORANT processes running in the background. If there are, end them and try again. 4. Update Graphics Drivers: Make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date. 5. Disable Antivirus/Firewall: Temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall to see if they are blocking the app. 6. Reinstall Riot Client: Uninstall the Riot Client and then download the latest version from the Riot Games website and reinstall it. 7. Check for Windows Updates: Ensure that your Windows OS is fully updated. 8. Event Viewer: Check Windows Event Viewer for any relevant error logs that might give more insight. If the issue persists, you might need to contact Riot Support for more detailed assistance: Riot Games Support
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Created by dachi on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
secure boot windows build
It's understandable you're searching for reasons behind the suspension. Riot's anti-cheat system, Vanguard, is quite sensitive to certain system configurations, and running an outdated version of Windows or not having Secure Boot enabled can sometimes contribute to issues. However, if the response from GamerDoc mentioned an exploit, that's likely the critical factor here. It's best to ensure your system is fully compliant with Riot's requirements: 1. Update to the latest version of Windows. 2. Enable Secure Boot: Follow the relevant support article to guide you through the process. Since you’ve already sent tickets to Riot Support, continue monitoring for their response. You might need to wait a bit due to high ticket volumes. For further assistance, you can keep an eye on the Riot Games support site for any updates regarding your suspension.
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Created by Bambi🩷 on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
tried a code and i’ve registered for the beta and i got this message
This message indicates you are already registered for the VALORANT Console Limited Beta. If you received this when trying to use a code, it means your prior registration is still valid, so you don't need the new code. Once you are selected, you will receive an email with instructions on accessing the beta. Keep an eye on your email for further instructions. Unfortunately, there's not much else you can do to expedite the process beyond waiting for your invitation.
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Created by Yaso on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
i got banned
It looks like you’re facing a VAL 5 error, which indicates a breach of the User Rules (Section 7) of the Terms of Service. This could be due to behavior or actions that were detected and deemed against Riot’s policies. Given that it has happened on multiple accounts, here are a few steps you can take: 1. Review the Terms of Service: Ensure you’re fully aware of what actions can lead to banned accounts. 2. Reflect on Recent Activities: Think about any recent actions that could have potentially violated the rules (e.g., unsportsmanlike behavior, use of unauthorized third-party software). 3. Submit an Appeal: If you believe the ban is a mistake, you can visit the Riot Games support site and submit a ticket to appeal the decision. Include any relevant details and screenshots to support your case. Link for appeal and more details: Riot Games Support
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Created by daddy1827 on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
Can platin play with silver?
In VALORANT's Competitive mode, a player in Platinum rank can party with players down to Silver rank, but there are some matchmaking restrictions to consider. Platinum players can normally queue with players within two ranks above or below their current rank tier. Specifically, in patch 4.0 and onwards, Platinum players are allowed to queue with players as low as Silver 3. However, given updating rules by Riot, ensure to double-check for the latest matchmaking policies. For the most accurate and current information, you can check the VALORANT Competitive FAQ on the official Riot Games support site.
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13 replies
Created by marvin on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
plz help
To reset the bots in The Range to their default, standing still state, follow these steps: 1. Go to the current practice mode within The Range. 2. Use the interaction key (usually "F" on default settings) to open the Practice Options menu. 3. Select "Bots" and then choose the "Reset to Default" option or similar wording that resets the behavior. Alternatively, you can exit The Range and re-enter it, which typically resets all settings and returns the bots to standing still. If you continue to face issues, try restarting the game entirely.
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Created by jake on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
Not loading
If VALORANT is stuck on the loading screen, here are some steps you can try to resolve it: 1. Run as Administrator: - Right-click on the VALORANT icon and select "Run as administrator." 2. Check Your Firewall and Antivirus: - Make sure VALORANT and Riot Client are allowed through your firewall and any antivirus software. 3. Update Graphics Drivers: - Ensure your graphics card drivers are up-to-date. 4. Check for Windows Updates: - Ensure your Windows OS is up-to-date. 5. Disable Fullscreen Optimization: - Right-click on the VALORANT executable, go to Properties > Compatibility tab, and check "Disable fullscreen optimizations." 6. Reinstall Riot Vanguard: - Uninstall Riot Vanguard (Control Panel > Uninstall a program > Riot Vanguard) and then restart your PC. Launch VALORANT again to reinstall Vanguard. 7. Flush DNS: - Open Command Prompt as administrator and execute the following commands:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset

If none of these steps work, consider submitting a ticket to Riot Games Support for further help.
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Created by Hp Cap on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
The VAN9003 error typically requires you to enable Secure Boot in your BIOS settings. Since your Secure Boot State is currently disabled, follow these steps to enable it: 1. Access BIOS/UEFI Settings: - Restart your computer and repeatedly press the key to enter the BIOS/UEFI menu. This key is often Del, F2, F10, or Esc depending on your motherboard manufacturer. It should be displayed briefly during startup. 2. Enable Secure Boot: - In the BIOS menu, navigate to the Boot tab. - Locate the Secure Boot option and set it to Enabled. This may also involve changing the OS Type to Windows UEFI mode. 3. Save and Exit: - Save your changes (usually by pressing F10) and exit the BIOS. 4. Verify: - Once your system restarts, you can verify that Secure Boot is enabled by checking the System Information (msinfo32). If you’re having difficulty finding these options, refer to your motherboard’s manual for more detailed instructions on accessing BIOS and enabling Secure Boot.
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14 replies
Created by machesto on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
Secure boot issue win 11
It looks like you're having trouble getting Secure Boot to work on Windows 11 for VALORANT. Here are some steps to ensure everything's correctly set up: 1. Windows Update: Ensure your Windows 11 is fully updated. 2. TPM & Secure Boot: - Restart your PC and enter BIOS/UEFI settings (usually by pressing Del, F2, or F10 during boot). - Confirm TPM is enabled (Security or Advanced tab, look for ‘TPM’ or ‘Intel PTT’). - Enable Secure Boot (under Boot tab). 3. UEFI Mode: - Verify if your system is set to UEFI and not Legacy BIOS. Switching to UEFI mode will require your disk partition in GPT instead of MBR. Converting MBR to GPT can be complex; seek a guide or professional help if unsure. - Follow this guide for detail info: Verify and enable Secure Boot. If you continue having trouble, consider submitting a support ticket to Riot Games here.
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35 replies
Created by MiniBash on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
Uncaught Exception when launching valorant
The error you're seeing is related to the Riot Client and seems to be a JavaScript issue. Here are some steps to resolve it: 1. Delete app.asar and app.asar.unpacked: Navigate to the directory mentioned in the error (C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\RiotClientElectron\resources) and delete app.asar and app.asar.unpacked files. 2. Repair or Reinstall the Riot Client: - Open the Control Panel, go to Programs, and click Uninstall a Program. - Find the Riot Client in the list, right-click it and select Repair. If this doesn't work, you might need to uninstall and reinstall the Riot Client.
3. Update your System: Ensure your operating system and drivers are up-to-date as outdated components can sometimes cause such errors. 4. Check Permissions: Make sure the Riot Client has the necessary permissions to read/write to its directories. 5. Reinstall Node.js: Since the error involves Node.js, you might want to uninstall and reinstall it from Node.js official website. If these steps don't help, please create a support ticket with Riot Games for further assistance: Riot Games support.
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Created by supercool123abc on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
It looks like you're experiencing an issue where you're stuck on the agent select screen and can hear everything, which is causing you to dodge the game and risk penalties. This might be related to a game or connection issue. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve this: 1. Restart the game and the Riot Client: Often, just restarting the game can resolve many issues. 2. Check for updates: Make sure both your game and the Riot Client are fully up-to-date. 3. Repair the game files: You can do this through the Riot Client by clicking on the settings icon (gear) and selecting "Initiate Full Repair." 4. Check your network: Ensure your internet connection is stable. You can try resetting your router or using a wired connection if possible. 5. Allow VALORANT through the firewall: Instructions can be found here. If the problem persists, you might want to submit a support ticket to Riot Games for further assistance.
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4 replies
Created by xkt on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
the game crashes on loading screen
It looks like you're facing issues with VALORANT crashing on the loading screen. Here are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the problem: 1. Restart VALORANT and the Riot Client: Often, a simple restart can fix the issue.
2. Update your Graphics Drivers: Ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date. You can usually find updates on the manufacturer's website. 3. Run VALORANT as an Administrator: Right-click the VALORANT shortcut and choose 'Run as Administrator'. 4. Check for Windows Updates: Make sure your operating system is fully updated. 5. Reinstall Riot Vanguard: Uninstall Riot Vanguard from your system, then launch VALORANT again to reinstall it.
6. Allow VALORANT through your Firewall: Make sure VALORANT is not being blocked by your firewall. 7. Check for Third-Party Software Conflicts: Some software might conflict with VALORANT, so try disabling unnecessary background applications. If these steps do not resolve the issue, you may need to contact Riot Games support for further assistance.
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Created by xQuewin on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
Need to know if anyone has switched region servers and whaat was their experience with it.
Switching regions in VALORANT can be a smooth process, but there are a few vital things to note. When you request a region transfer through Riot Support, your account data such as skins, level, and progress will remain intact. However, keep in mind the following: 1. Match History and Leaderboards: Your match history and leaderboard standings will not carry over. 2. Friends List & Parties: You will need to re-add friends, as the friends list is region-specific. 3. Ranked Progress: Your rank will reset, requiring you to do placements again in the new region. 4. Store Offers: Some regional differences exist in store offers and pricing. Make sure to contact Riot Support via their website to initiate the transfer process. Here's the link for more details: Riot Support Enjoy your move and your new gaming setup in North America!
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Created by Mzlf on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
account got permanent suspension for using third party software but i didnt use any software
If you believe your account was wrongfully banned for using third-party software, you'll need to appeal the suspension directly to Riot Games. Follow these steps: 1. Visit the Riot Games Support site here: Riot Games Support. 2. Log in with your suspended Riot account. 3. Click on "Submit a Ticket." 4. Choose "Account Management, Data Requests, or Deletion" as the request type. 5. Fill out the form with as much information as possible about your account and the ban. Provide any evidence or information you have that could help them understand your situation better. Keep in mind that Riot's decisions are typically thorough, and not all appeals are successful, but it's worth submitting an appeal if you believe the ban is in error.
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Created by kazy on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
account got locked after my 24 hour comp ban
It sounds like your account may have been flagged for suspension or a security lock. First, check your email for any notifications from Riot Games regarding the suspension or lock explanation. If you did not receive an email or need further assistance, you can submit a ticket to Riot Games Support via this link: Riot Games Support. Make sure to provide all relevant details, including the recent purchase of Valorant Points and any error messages you received. The support team can provide more precise assistance and clarification on the situation.
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Created by Sleep & Comp on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
all of a sudden high ping
Sudden high ping can be frustrating. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot: 1. Check Your Network: Ensure your internet connection is stable. Restart your router and modem. 2. Close Background Applications: Ensure no other applications or downloads are consuming bandwidth. 3. Use a Wired Connection: If you're on Wi-Fi, switch to a wired connection for better stability. 4. Set Preferred Servers: Manually select the closest server to your location with the lowest ping. 5. Restart Your Router: Sometimes, simply restarting your router can resolve high ping issues. 6. Check for ISP Issues: Contact your Internet Service Provider to see if there are any known issues or maintenance. 7. Windows Network Commands: - Open Command Prompt as an administrator. - Run these commands one at a time: 1. netsh int ip reset 2. ipconfig /release 3. ipconfig /renew 4. ipconfig /flushdns 5. netsh winsock reset - Restart your computer after running these commands. If issues persist, consider contacting Riot Support for further assistance.
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Created by Bobas on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
It sounds like you might be experiencing an issue with the game client or a potential conflict with background software. Here are a few steps that might help resolve the issue: 1. Update your Graphics Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up to date. 2. Close Unnecessary Background Applications: Some programs might interfere with VALORANT. Close unnecessary apps, particularly those related to overlays or screen recording. 3. Run as Administrator: Right-click on VALORANT and choose "Run as Administrator". 4. Reinstall Riot Vanguard: Uninstall Riot Vanguard via the Control Panel, then restart VALORANT to reinstall it automatically. 5. Check for Windows Updates: Ensure your operating system is fully updated. 6. Repair Game Files: In the VALORANT client, go to settings and use the "Repair" option to fix corrupted files. If the issue persists, you can create a ticket with Riot Games support for further assistance.
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Created by jojo79 on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
I played like normal until i today from no where got 100 % packet loss and now its constant
Packet loss issues can be very frustrating. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue: 1. Restart Modem/Router: Sometimes a simple restart of your modem and router can resolve network issues. 2. Check Network Cables: Ensure that your Ethernet cable is properly connected and not damaged. If you are using Wi-Fi, consider switching to a wired connection for more stability. 3. Network Drivers: Update your network adapter drivers from the manufacturer’s website. 4. Background Processes: Close any unnecessary applications that might be using bandwidth or interrupting your network connection. 5. Firewall/Antivirus: Check if your firewall or antivirus is blocking VALORANT or Riot Vanguard. You may need to add exceptions in these programs. 6. ISP: Contact your Internet Service Provider to check for any network issues on their end. 7. Network Commands: Running the following commands in Command Prompt as an admin might help: - netsh int ip reset - ipconfig /release - ipconfig /renew - ipconfig /flushdns - netsh winsock reset If the issue persists after these steps, you may need to contact Riot Support for further assistance.
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Created by hidan on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
Attenpting to Authenticate Loop
If you're stuck in an "Attempting to Authenticate" loop, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try: 1. Restart your Router and Console: Power cycle your internet router and your console to reset any network issues. 2. Check Network Connection: Ensure your console has a stable internet connection. You can test this in your console’s network settings. 3. Allow VALORANT through Firewall: Make sure your network isn't blocking VALORANT. If you're using a firewall or security software, ensure it permits VALORANT. 4. Reinstall VALORANT: This can help clear out any corrupted files or settings causing the issue. 5. Check Server Status: Sometimes, the problem is on Riot’s end. Check if there’s any server maintenance or outage on the official VALORANT support site ( or social media. If the issue persists, you may need to submit a ticket to Riot Games Support for further assistance.
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Created by no one above me on 7/1/2024 in #community-help
microphone delay
Microphone delays and chat lag in VALORANT are often related to network issues or hardware performance. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot and possibly resolve the issue: 1. Check Network Connection: Ensure you're on a stable and fast internet connection. Ethernet is preferable over Wi-Fi. 2. Optimize Background Applications: Close unnecessary applications and background processes that might be using significant network or CPU resources. 3. Update Audio Drivers: Ensure your microphone and sound drivers are up to date. You can find updates on the manufacturer's website. 4. Disable Exclusive Mode: Go to Control Panel > Sound > Recording tab > Select your microphone > Properties > Advanced tab. Uncheck "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device." 5. Adjust In-Game Settings: Lower the in-game voice settings and ensure the input/output device selected is correct. 6. Firewall and Antivirus: Make sure VALORANT is allowed through your firewall and antivirus software, as they might be causing delays. 7. Reinstall VALORANT: If none of the above steps work, consider reinstalling VALORANT and Riot Vanguard. If the issue persists, check the Riot Games support site for more detailed troubleshooting steps.
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