Rhumb Runner
Rhumb Runner
SKSignal K
Created by barnaclebill on 3/3/2024 in #questions
heading info
For one of my earlier setups I used a GPS hat from Ozzmaker and an external antenna. Worked well for GPS position / SOG / COG. The hat kicked out NEMA 0183 strings that was easily set up as a serial connection in SK. https://ozzmaker.com/product/berrygps-imu/
7 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Rhumb Runner on 3/2/2024 in #plugins-and-webapps
Rhumb Runner - Course Provider plugin seems to ...
I discovered why I was getting different distances. I believe it was related to Kip logins and had 2 different waypoints that I was navigating to at the same time? Cleared all routes while logged in as each user and re-setup the scenario. Still getting ETA and TTG values at fixed SOG's and headings to the waypoint that start off wildly wrong and gradually converge to being accurate in the last minute or so before reaching the waypoint. Haven't found where the Course Provider code is to look at it yet.
2 replies