Lille Ø
Lille Ø
SKSignal K
Created by Lure on 5/12/2024 in #plugins-and-webapps
Lure - Any user of signalk-logbook plugin? I ha...
Logbook plugin 0.7.2 should fix this
3 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Lure on 5/12/2024 in #plugins-and-webapps
Lure - Any user of signalk-logbook plugin? I ha...
Should be quite an easy fix as soon as I have the time. Now cruising the Shetlands
3 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Lure on 5/12/2024 in #plugins-and-webapps
Lure - Any user of signalk-logbook plugin? I ha...
3 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Lille Ø on 3/22/2024 in #questions
Notification mechanism between plugins
I might have some time in April, though that is heavily weather dependent. We're starting our summer cruise in two weeks, and we still need to finish the cockpit rebuild, drop mast, haul out, do antifouling etc before then so next weeks are bound to be hectic
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Lille Ø on 3/22/2024 in #questions
Notification mechanism between plugins
So in practical sense, logbook is now a pretty normal REST API. What would be needed to turn it into resources?
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Lille Ø on 3/22/2024 in #questions
Notification mechanism between plugins
Yes, I think for logbook the default view of "entries from last N days/hours" is more relevant than entries for a given place. Though the latter could be interesting too
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Lille Ø on 3/22/2024 in #questions
Notification mechanism between plugins
That could work. How does that take the time-specific aspect of a log entry into consideration?
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by ray_sabado on 3/21/2024 in #questions
Daily Trip Logs
Signalk-triplogger uses GPS for producing the log reading
22 replies
SKSignal K
Created by ray_sabado on 3/21/2024 in #questions
Daily Trip Logs
Maybe the right way to do this would be to have a way for users to reset the "current trip" so you can do it at arbitrary intervals. Now it's automatically done from when autostate determines vessel to be under way to when autostate determines vessel to be stopped.
22 replies
SKSignal K
Created by ray_sabado on 3/21/2024 in #questions
Daily Trip Logs
The noon-to-noon thing is traditional, but obviously an artefact of the sextant era (yes, we still carry a sextant and tables on board). Not sure if I should add support for that. Then question is, would it only be noon-to-noon for daily stats, or also monthly?
22 replies
SKSignal K
Created by ray_sabado on 3/21/2024 in #questions
Daily Trip Logs
Signalk-triplogger does store the daily distance, but it is (UTC) midnight to midnight instead of noon. Those stats could also be interesting to produce.
22 replies