Greg Young
Greg Young
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 2/8/2025 in #plugins-and-webapps
Greg Young - @Scott Bender anchor alarm plugin...
@David Sanner thanks for the clarification … i didnt recall it having this issue … now understand . and noted on your plugin .. sounds v interesting … i will wait for V2 and give it a go. thx
5 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 2/8/2025 in #plugins-and-webapps
Greg Young - @Scott Bender anchor alarm plugin...
got it! thx
5 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 2/8/2025 in #plugins-and-webapps
Greg Young - @Scott Bender anchor alarm plugin...
? it should now generate an updated/different alarm when it transitions from warning (eg the inner radius) to the alarm radius
5 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
got it to work.. copied 1.0.0.json from server, edited it in vscode (made the rogue guage a blank type) so it effectively dissapears (used vscode to check the json was good) copied the file back to server, deleted the earlier version on ipad, re-imported the modified layout from server .. success.
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
noted ... tried edit the server version ... must have stuffed it up .. as wsk on ipad will not import it .. yes im using vscode editor ... so it should throw an issue if i mesed json up ... more investigation needed !
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
click on it
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
ah .. i think i know what you meant ... edit the wlyt file on ipad and then on it to open it.. after that then save to server
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
so just to clarify .. somwhere on the ipad i should be able to find the .wlyt file and edit it?
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
ah ok thx ... i cant for the life of me work out where in the file it has the position/size of the respective guage ... so just going to make the rogue guage a blank .. .. and then add a whole new guage in the normal layouts editor.. (im nervous to just "Delete" the guage from the json file .. as i notice they are sequentially numbered .. and not sure if im going to create dram 🙂
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
after some searching and trial and error.. Looks ike its in file "1.0.0.json" in folowing directory /home/pi/.signalk/applicationData/global/WilhelmSK
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
@Scott Bender further to my above "rogue" guage I shared the layout from ipad as a file ("at anchor dock.wlyt") and with a text editor can see the respective guage definitiions in this file .. &thus presumably i just delete the respective rogue guage) however I cant I cant find this same file on the Rpi anywhere? & thus dont know how i can replace the modified wsk layout (.wlyt file) back onto rpi .. and then import it back into ipad ? (or alternately import it into the layout on ipad.. either way) any clues pleeeasse?
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
the graphs on this WSK layout are embedded grafana “dashboards” using the WSK “web guage” type. Im assuming you have influx/grafana running - & know how to setup influx and log the respective sk paths, along with setting up grafana to access and display data /graphs from the influx database. In grafana - define the dashboard with the graph etc showing data correctly, colors etc. Once your finished and have it looking crrect in grafana turn off the “time picker” (grafana settings for respective dashboard) and put it display into “kiosk” mode, (this has the effect of removing all the grafana menus etc ) with grafana dashboard displayed crrectly in the browser, copy the URL from the grafana page and add it into the WSK web guage, Note you need to preface the URL you copy with
http:// save the WSK guage and it should then display (& update per the refresh rate you set in grafana settings… note that 5s is the max refresh rate you can get from grafana dashboard - wiyhout a lot of messing around with grafana settings - that ive never managed tro ghet working)
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
No description
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
… and as an aside …. notwithstanding above (not beeing able to select a guage) …. it appears the “delete guage” option doesnt work? for any guages in my layouts (its greyed out) … i recall this was a known limitation?
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
its the first page in the above layout …. the problem guage (:outside temp”?) is “over top” of the guage labelled “shore power”
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
27 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Greg Young on 1/31/2025 in #wilhelmsk
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
I dont want to delete the complete dashboard (took bloody ages to build it) i think i have correctly saved it and attached below?
27 replies