matin rajabi
use another login for my second panel
i have a panel in my project with guard "admin"
i have also another panel with guard "seller" but it must login with phone number.
I wanted to know how I can have a login page with phone number based login?
4 replies
getting form data from filament Repeater
Hi everyone, I am using filament repeater and everything is fine when using ->relationship(). The data is updated on edit correctly. But I want to access the information inside repeater forms before saving changes in edit action, and $data shows empty array while I have some data in my repeater. Here's code in edit:
namespace App\Filament\Resources\OrderResource\Pages;
use App\Filament\Resources\OrderResource;
use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord;
use App\Models\Order;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EditOrder extends EditRecord
protected static string $resource = OrderResource::class;
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
// Actions\DeleteAction::make(),
protected function handleRecordUpdate(Model $record, array $data): Model
return $record;
Removing ->relationship() in my resource makes this data accessible through $data when creating new records. But removing ->relationship() causes empty repeater when editing. Any idea of how I can access and modify repeater data inside edit action?4 replies
can not access to new filament panel - fortify error
hello when I try to access my new filament panel, I got this error:
Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\LoginViewResponse] is not instantiable.
i can't find anything in web. so can you guys help me?
2 replies
resource not displaying on sidebar
i create a resource with this cmd:
php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --generate
but it is not displaying on sidebar. i added this function in my resource file
public static function canViewAny(): bool
return true;
but still not working.
what should i do14 replies
can not custom logout redirection
hello guys I do all steps like this blog for change redirection of logout:
but i got an error here:
Target class [App\Http\Responses\LogoutResponse] does not exist.
does any one have any idea?12 replies
how to set url to a route out of filament panels
hello i want to create a button which is linked to main page of website. how should i set the route in url()?
i tried this :
function ($state) {
return 'مشاهده';
function ($record) {
route('main.preview_product', ['id' => $record->id]);
but it goes to edit page of this record 😐5 replies
markdowneditor not working
i have a loop and i create some markdowneditor in the loop.
but they don't get any value and return null. i don't know why i have the same editor out of loop and it works well.
another thing is when the markdowneditor is required i can't submit the form and it says the field is required whereas i filled the editor.
any idea about this story???
3 replies