display create button by condition

hello i want to display create button of header by condition how should i do that? i tried to customize the function in the image but i got error, i don't know the proper way for saying this. any help will be usefull
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I would simply just add a query?
return MyModel::where('user_id', auth()->id())->count() < 1;
return MyModel::where('user_id', auth()->id())->count() < 1;
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7 Replies
toeknee3mo ago
You should use Laravel Policies really once youn have the policy we inherit it naturally. you are doing $this->id but that's always going to be false isn't it... What are you trying to do? What condition should create button be shown.
matin rajabi
matin rajabi3mo ago
how to say the condition in this function? i want to show the button when the table is empty and there is no record in it
toeknee3mo ago
Is this a relationship manager?
matin rajabi
matin rajabi3mo ago
no it's a simple resource. i want user can create new record just when he never create any record
toeknee3mo ago
I would simply just add a query?
return MyModel::where('user_id', auth()->id())->count() < 1;
return MyModel::where('user_id', auth()->id())->count() < 1;
matin rajabi
matin rajabi3mo ago
oh man how could i miss such a simple thing?!! thanks a lot for your time
toeknee3mo ago
No problem.