•Created by Oany on 8/14/2024 in #questions
Spawn Effects
Hi does anyone know if it's possible to have permanent speed II in spawn?
I don't see a worldguard flag for this and having trouble finding a plugin.
4 replies
•Created by Oany on 8/13/2024 in #questions
Does anyone know of a 1.21 GGWave plugin?
Someone donates and for x seconds everyone can say GG and it colorizes it in chat.
6 replies
•Created by Oany on 8/2/2024 in #questions
[17:35:34 INFO]: player lost connection: Kicked for exceeding packet rate limit
Does anyone know if it's possible to prevent this kick? a player really struggling but it seems to be there wifi possibly?
anything I can do to help the situation or no?
[17:35:34 INFO]: Georgeb1120 lost connection: Kicked for exceeding packet rate limit
Player claims:
When he takes any sort of damage he is kicked from the server. example; fall dmg or a cactus
8 replies