Django postgresql github help please
Hi, thank you. I don't understand what that code does and where it goes. First i have to deploy one test app with postgress, then i have to see about those changes. It is a bit shame that railway doenst have a doc about django deployment, because i need a detailed info from where i can learn the process
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Django postgresql github help please
Hi, yes i do. But i am finishing up the works before the version 1 can go live, i am basically done maybe two more days of work.
Also a problem for me after the deployment, is how do i make changes to database. Let's say we go live. Then i want to add a feature, maybe a new model with its crud process. How do i go about it and not destroy the content and the live database version.
Locally i know to do that, but this push pull postrgres process i have to learn.
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