How to change db from US West to EU West? I saw the options, but I can't select them.
I see, though honestly as a very small startup, we wanted to do the set-up like db right from the start, so that when we get more users, then we don't have to start dealing with migration of db region, but also for now we also don't want to pay more for just having db in EU-west. But when the time comes, and we upgrade the plan, is changing a region, a one click task or do we have to do other manual work?
12 replies
How to change db from US West to EU West? I saw the options, but I can't select them.
Hmm, didn't know that, I think though it's a big stretch, that just having my db in one region, it would lead me to change plan. isn't this though GDPR policy that EU people to have their data in EU?
12 replies
Generating CSR code
I have watched a couple of videos, I see that some people have to set the A record, and then have to put ip v4 of the hosting (but railway doesn't provide this). Also they then added a CNAME www and point it to @. I wonder do I need to do this
14 replies
Generating CSR code
I switched to cloudfare, I have two domains, like and
in cloudfare I did set CNAME of the above to point to url railway provides on each service at the
Public Networking section.
The problem now is that I am able to access but renders This site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
14 replies